Interview: How Corey Long Fought White Supremacy With Fire
A final response to the "Tell me why Trump is racist". : EnoughTrumpSpam
6 Ways You Harm Me When You Appropriate Black Culture – And How to Appreciate It Instead
This is a really good piece (despite the Buzzfeedy appearance) that deserves a read. As someone who grew up in an overwhelmingy white suburb (my high school is STILL 98% white according to recent stats) but who latched onto black culture and music at an early age, I've made many of the mistakes listed in the article over the years. It took me a while to figure out what's appropriation and what's appreciation. I've always aimed to be an ally, to amplify black voices especially where my own take on things isn't as relevant, and to understand historical and cultural contexts behind the struggles. Hopefully I'm moving in the right direction.
How A Hate Crime Changed My Life
An Interview With @AfAmHistFail
From the comments: "My uncle lives in Charleston. On a recent visit to a historic home, he was asked by the guide if he would like the tour "with or without slavery.'"