Will Ultrarunner Scott Jurek Set a New Appalachian Trail Speed Record?
Library of Congress: Twitter archive project limbo
The Life Cycle of Programming Languages by Betsy Haibel
Irked by Black Lives Matter? Here’s What to Do.
Irked by Black Lives Matter? Here’s What to Do. via @instapaper
A letter to my dismal allies on the US left
Fairly Random Thoughts on Ashley Madison & the Swiftly Moving Line
Fairly Random Thoughts on Ashley Madison & the Swiftly Moving Line — The Message — Medium via @instapaper
The Strangely Successful History of People Mailing Themselves in Boxes | Atlas Obscura
Hey, Internet: Stop Trying To Inspire Me — Medium
Yes, Your Opinion Can Be Wrong
When I’m Gone
The Joy of Quiet
The Man Who Shot Michael Brown - The New Yorker
At Amazon, Employees Treat the Bathroom as an Extension of the Office | Motherboard
I’m Sorry I Didn’t Respond to Your Email, My Husband Coughed to Death Two Years Ago
'Space Jam' Forever: The Website That Wouldn't Die
My wife found my email in the Ashley Madison database
6 Ways You Harm Me When You Appropriate Black Culture – And How to Appreciate It Instead
This is a really good piece (despite the Buzzfeedy appearance) that deserves a read. As someone who grew up in an overwhelmingy white suburb (my high school is STILL 98% white according to recent stats) but who latched onto black culture and music at an early age, I've made many of the mistakes listed in the article over the years. It took me a while to figure out what's appropriation and what's appreciation. I've always aimed to be an ally, to amplify black voices especially where my own take on things isn't as relevant, and to understand historical and cultural contexts behind the struggles. Hopefully I'm moving in the right direction.
The 10 Greatest Old-School Hip-Hop Feuds, Hosted by DJ Kay Slay
Forever and Ever: Losing My Husband at 24
Rank Your Records: Scarface Ranks All of His Solo and Geto Boys Releases | NOISEY
Oliver Sacks: Sabbath
The Weird History of the Pledge of Allegiance — The Synapse — Medium
How to Be a Stoic
Are GMOs safe? Yes. The case against them is full of fraud, lies, and errors.
30 Years Later, ‘The Golden Girls’ is Still the Most Progressive Show on Television
Haven't even read it yet, but I know it's gotta be good.
The first-person industrial complex: How the harrowing personal essay took over the Internet.
Web Archives: Preserving the Everyday Record
The Biggest Mistake Pet Owners Make at the End
How Spotify’s Discover Weekly cracked human curation at internet scale
@verge's long piece on Spotify's Discover Weekly is a great read. | http://t.co/J00wISDmaq
— Ryan MacMichael (@supalaze) October 1, 2015