

How to Create Luck
How to Create Luck
My entire worldview changed when I realized that luck can be created. More precisely, you can actively create optimal conditions for lucky things to happen to you.
How to Create Luck
昨晚,我体会了没有 pnpm 的痛 : 掘金
昨晚,我体会了没有 pnpm 的痛 : 掘金
如果没有U盘,window 和 mac 本地计算机之间如何传输大量文件? 为什么要用 pnpm?硬链接、软链接是什么?这些一一为你解答
昨晚,我体会了没有 pnpm 的痛 : 掘金
036 Nathan Latka 的彪悍人生,以及我们可以学到的6件事
036 Nathan Latka 的彪悍人生,以及我们可以学到的6件事
发布时间: 3月14日,2021年 Show Notes: 在看完 Nathan Latka 的彪悍事迹后,happy 发布了 happy collection。这期播客分享的 Nathon 的6个长处,以及很多个案例,都值得所有正在从事一人公司的朋友们了解和借鉴。 先建立吸引力,然后再推
036 Nathan Latka 的彪悍人生,以及我们可以学到的6件事
6 Lessons I Learned from Nathan Latka
6 Lessons I Learned from Nathan Latka
Okay, technically that’s not quite true. I exchanged Twitter DMs with him once. But this story is a perfect example of one of the key lessons I learned from him. So more on that in a moment.
6 Lessons I Learned from Nathan Latka
Demystifying Interviewing for Backend Engineers @ Netflix
Demystifying Interviewing for Backend Engineers @ Netflix
Have you ever experienced one of the following scenarios while looking for your next role? Interviewing can be a daunting endeavor and how companies, and teams, approach the process varies greatly.
Demystifying Interviewing for Backend Engineers @ Netflix
為什麼前端工程越來越愛使用 Monorepo 架構
為什麼前端工程越來越愛使用 Monorepo 架構
Hannah LinNov 1 · 8 min readUsing single git repository to manage multiple apps and librarisMonorepository (簡稱 Monorepo) 概念雖然有一段歷史了,但這個名詞卻是近幾年才變得如此熱門。自己公司也是這半年才導入這個架構,再嚐到許多甜頭後想寫一篇
為什麼前端工程越來越愛使用 Monorepo 架構
It's time to win
It's time to win
During these months my online ventures generated a very comfortable 6-figure income.
It's time to win
The simple system I’m using to stay in touch with hundreds of people
The simple system I’m using to stay in touch with hundreds of people
Staying in touch with people is one of these asymmetric habits that require little effort, time and resources but has an unlimited upside. It’s the easiest and most effective way to make your life more serendipitous. Okay enough of that.
The simple system I’m using to stay in touch with hundreds of people
5 Dev Tools To Look Out For In 2022
5 Dev Tools To Look Out For In 2022
Can you believe that the past two years have shaken up the way we work? The beginnings were tough, but now, with the end of 2021 right around the corner, we are already used to remote working environments and expect the market to catch up with the new normal.
5 Dev Tools To Look Out For In 2022
My Terminal Has SUPER Powers!
My Terminal Has SUPER Powers!
I found a new terminal plugin called Fig.io that gives me super powers! It has full autocomplete and IntelliSense just like inside of VS Code. This plugin is completely free (Mac only though), so you can head to the website now to download and install. Let's check it out.
My Terminal Has SUPER Powers!
Yes, I can connect to a DB in CSS
Yes, I can connect to a DB in CSS
As they're wont to do, a certain tweet was floating around the interwebs for a while the other week. We're looking for someone who can connect to the database using CSS.
Yes, I can connect to a DB in CSS
Using Notion to organise programming topics
Using Notion to organise programming topics
When I first started diving into the web development world I felt overwhelmed by the amount of information out there, and all the topics I wanted to explore and learn. I immediately found the following problems:
Using Notion to organise programming topics
The salesman and the developer
The salesman and the developer
They arrive at the cabin in the woods and start unpacking the car, moving stuff into the cabin, getting things ready for a week of bear hunting in the wilderness. The salesman quickly gets bored of this and says:
The salesman and the developer
26 如何轻松地写一份 Newsletter
26 如何轻松地写一份 Newsletter
新年好!   每周我都想通过这份 newsletter 传递一些对我自己有用的,并且读者也可以立即用的上的方法和点子。于是我的 newsletter 的形式便是一篇介绍点子的短文,配上若干我感兴趣(并且觉得你也可能感兴趣)的内容。   如
26 如何轻松地写一份 Newsletter
七夕特供 | 如何用 Notion 谈恋爱
七夕特供 | 如何用 Notion 谈恋爱
七夕特供 | 如何用 Notion 谈恋爱
Why [] returns [ ] in JavaScript?
Why [] returns [ ] in JavaScript?
Why […‘👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨’] returns [‘👩’, ‘‍’, ‘❤’, ‘️’, ‘‍’, ‘💋’, ‘‍’, ‘👨’] in JavaScript? https://ift.tt/iVPl4GB
Why [] returns [ ] in JavaScript?
Scoop https://scoop.sh