Why Deep-Brain Stimulation for Depression Didn't Pass Clinical Trials

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A Marvel Hero Copes With Bipolar Disorder
Suicide Memes on Sites Like 9gag Might Be Therapeutic
Test Used to Diagnose Depression May Not Work on Black People, Study Finds
'In the Mirror, What I Saw Was a Monster': Living with Body Dysmorphic Disorder
Resilience Training Helps Kids With Trauma
Scott Kelly's genes and NASA's twin study on him, explained
New Data Confirm Adverse Childhood Experiences Are Widespread Among Minorities
How to ask if someone is suicidal, according to data
Take The ACE Quiz�And Learn What It Does And Doesn't Mean
New York Just Made Conversion Therapy Illegal, Joining 14 Other States and Washington, D.C.
Man with Parkinson's Disease Relieved of Tremors Thanks to Science
Massachusetts allows school to continue with electric shocks
What It's Like to Live in a Mental Healthcare Desert
Sexism isn't just unfair; it makes women sick, study suggests
Historical Trauma: The Confluence of Mental Health and History in Native American Communities
Fear and apathy: How Indians look at those suffering mental illnesses�Quartz India
Why Mental Health Is A Complicated Issue For The Black Community
6 Actual Facts Show Why Mental Health Is an Issue in the Black Community
How 'One Day at a Time' perfectly summarizes how the Latinx community deals with mental health
"One Day At A Time" Star Addresses Stigma Of Depression Among Latinos | HuffPost
"Suck It Up" or Pray: Advice That Almost Killed Me
Study links angry LEGO figures to bad journalism.
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Is Hypnosis Real? Here's What Science Says | Time
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Science in the Classroom - Annotated research papers and accompanying teaching materials
How to keep people with mental illness out of prison
Live From the Inside: A Radio Show Run by Psychiatric Patients
Radio La Colifata: Argentina's 'loony radio' broadcasting from an asylum