Americans: Still Pretty Judge-y

Extra Links for Lectures
Why So Many People Care So Much About Others' Sex Lives
Are you raising nice kids? A Harvard psychologist gives 5 ways to raise them to be kind
Oprah Meets a Child with Schizophrenia - Video
Can Creativity Be Learned?
OWS cop puncher exudes glamour in court
New York Post Reporter to Occupy Activist Cecily McMillan: "You Look Fabulous! But You Should Eat More."
'I've Built Robots': Homeless People In Poignant Video Remind Us It Can Happen To Anyone
Scientists Have Discovered Proof That Musicians Are Fundamentally Different From Everyone Else
Couples Clothes Swapping Isn't Just for Kimye
The greatest letter ever sent home from school
Letting a Child Pick Her Sippy Cup Color Will Not Destroy Society
Psychologists Find a Startling Trend in Young Women Who Post "Sexy" Facebook Photos
20 Problems Only People Who Can't Hide Their Emotions Understand
Girl Gets Her Wisdom Teeth Out, Demands Ryan Gosling's White Dick
Congresswoman Urges GOP To Bring Policy Discussion 'Down To A Woman's Level'
Neil deGrasse Tyson on Jury Duty
Your Butt Is a Hero: Scientists Say Smelling Farts Might Cure Cancer
Nope Nope Nope. That's Not How Depression Works.
Should We 'Fix' Intersex Children?
Life With an Uncontrollable Voice
The secret to successful flirting
Psychologists Have Figured Out Why Some Americans Get So Mad at "Promiscuous" Women - Mic
No, Smelling Farts Won't Actually Prevent Cancer
Stinky Compound AP39 May Protect Against Cell Damage, Study Finds
New Study Shows How the Internet Is Screwing Up Your Perception of Women
Introducing "The Nine Circles of Scientific Hell"�a real figure in a real scientific journal
Scientists Have Developed a Material That Could Render You Virtually Invisible - Mic
How to Talk to Yourself
WATCH: This May Be The Single Greatest Lie We've All Been Sold About Disability | TEDTalks