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Make The World Better With One Of These Nine Ideas (Published 2021)
Make The World Better With One Of These Nine Ideas (Published 2021)
As the pandemic and lockdowns dragged on and on over the past year, most of us longed only for the day when the world would return to what it was before Covid-19 entered our vocabulary. For others, though, the months of seclusion led them to search for ways they might be able to make the world just a little better place than it was before. Here are a few ideas on improving your little part of the post-pandemic Earth that you could latch onto, or maybe you have some ideas of your own.
Make The World Better With One Of These Nine Ideas (Published 2021)
Asian Americans: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)
Asian Americans: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)
John Oliver discusses the large and diverse group of people who fall under the term “Asian American”, the history of the model minority stereotype, and why our conversations on the subject need to be better-informed. Connect with Last Week Tonight online... Subscribe to the Last Week Tonight YouTube channel for more almost news as it almost happens: Find Last Week Tonight on Facebook like your mom would: Follow us on Twitter for news about jokes and jokes about news: Visit our official site for all that other stuff at once:
Asian Americans: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)
A Lesson on Critical Race Theory
A Lesson on Critical Race Theory
Coined by legal scholar Kimberlé Crenshaw, Critical Race Theory is the practice of interrogating race and racism in society that emerged in the legal academy and spread to other fields of scholarship.
A Lesson on Critical Race Theory
Kip Kinkel Is Ready To Speak
Kip Kinkel Is Ready To Speak
At 15, he shot and killed his parents, two classmates at his school, and wounded 25 others. He’s been used as the reason to lock kids up for life ever since.
Kip Kinkel Is Ready To Speak
Mom’s Fears About Daughter Leaving For College Channeled Into Fight About Storage Bins
Mom’s Fears About Daughter Leaving For College Channeled Into Fight About Storage Bins
LEXINGTON, MA—Impatiently scanning store shelves while tersely repeating requests for an inventory of clothing and other items that would be taken along, local mother Susan Vernon, 51, channeled her escalating fears regarding her daughter leaving for college later this month into a fight about storage bins, sources…
Mom’s Fears About Daughter Leaving For College Channeled Into Fight About Storage Bins
4-Year-Old Convinced Father A Moron After 45th Consecutive Hide-And-Seek Victory
4-Year-Old Convinced Father A Moron After 45th Consecutive Hide-And-Seek Victory
GLENDALE, PA—Expressing embarrassment and disappointment over being the son of such a loser, local 4-year-old Connor Heyward was convinced Friday that his father, Craig, was a moron after losing 45 consecutive games of hide-and-seek. “Christ, this is bad. I’ve hid behind that bush a dozen times and this dumbass still…
4-Year-Old Convinced Father A Moron After 45th Consecutive Hide-And-Seek Victory
The Authoritarian Instincts of Police Unions
The Authoritarian Instincts of Police Unions
They condition their members to see themselves as soldiers at war with the public they are meant to serve, and above the laws they are meant to enforce.
The Authoritarian Instincts of Police Unions
G: Unfit
G: Unfit
A journey to one of the darkest sides of humanity's attempts to measure the human mind and put people in boxes.
G: Unfit