This teacher's brilliant social experiment reveals why gender equality in Congress matters
Extra Links for Lectures
Sugar Industry Secretly Paid for Favorable Harvard Research - Scientific American
Can Teenage Defiance Be Manipulated for Good?
Harsh Parents Raise Bullies--So Do Permissive Ones
Can Your Relationship Handle a Trip to IKEA?
Exam tests if students can identify their Asian teacher in a group
How A Dog In An MRI Scanner Is Like Your Grandma At A Disco
Millennials respond excellently to #HowToConfuseAMillennial hashtag
Was Freud Right About How the Mind Is Structured?
Brains of Nazi Victims Uncovered in German Psychiatric Institute
The World's First Dog Identical Twins Are Here
There's Now a Scientific Defense of Nail-Biting
Mental Health In Schools: A Hidden Crisis Affecting Millions Of Students
Email On Handling Workplace Diversity Causes Backlash
AJ+ - Radio La Colifata broadcasts from inside a psychiatric hospital to change attitudes about mental illness
Ignore the Office Dress Code to Seem Better at Your Job
The Huffington Post publishes a horrifying piece about troubled teen residential treatment centers.
University Will Sue Its Own Student Newspaper For Reporting On Sexual Assault Case
A C-SPAN caller asked a black guest how to stop being prejudiced. Here's how she responded.
Paid Sick Leave Can Significantly Reduce Flu Rates
The Heart of Whiteness: Ijeoma Oluo Interviews Rachel Dolezal, the White Woman Who Identifies as Black - Features - The Stranger
Incurably Nuanced: Everything is F*cking Nuanced: The Syllabus
Twitter Hashtag Reveals Just How Damaging Expectations Of Masculinity Can Be
Dodo Impact - This little puppy has trouble with part of his cerebellum
6 Not-Shitty Things To Say To A Friend Going Through A Shitty Time
The lasting effects of childhood bullying are surprisingly not all detrimental in adulthood.
The Incredible Story Of How Target Used Statistics to Expose A Teen Girl's Pregnancy
The Psychology of Victim-Blaming - The Atlantic
Americans are more likely to be killed by falling out of bed than a 'jihadist immigrant' | indy100
How Reliable and Replicable Are Cancer Studies?