Psychology Is in Crisis Over Whether It's in Crisis

Extra Links for Lectures
Psychology Is Not in Crisis
Psychology's Ongoing Credibility Crisis
Why Congressional Republicans want to cut social science research funding
The AMA Will Lobby Congress Over Gun Research
Everyone Is Taking the Collarbone Challenge to See How Skinny and Sexy They Are
The terrifying horribleness of the Belly Button Challenge
'iPhone 6 knees' is the latest body image challenge to disrupt the Internet
40-Pound Anorexic Woman Who Begged for Help Has Made a Stunning Recovery
This Woman Took Before-And-After Pics To Show The Reality Of Panic Attacks
26 Times Squidward Summed Up What It's Like To Be Depressed
Apocalypse Now: Why Believers Will Grow Stronger If the World Doesn't End
Here's The Powerful Letter The Stanford Victim Read To Her Attacker
All-American swimmer found guilty of sexually assaulting unconscious woman on Stanford campus
'Suspected Terrorist' Escorted Off Plane Actually A Professor Working On A Math Equation
An Unexpected Reaction: Why a Science Experiment Gone Bad Doesn't Make Me a Criminal
Texas School Mistakes 14 Year-Old Ahmed Mohamed's Homemade Clock for a Bomb and Handcuffs Him
How Your Brain Reacts When Everyone Laughs at You
Poor, Awkward Jeb Bush Is Giving People Secondhand Embarrassment
Carol Dweck, the Stanford professor who pioneered praising kids for effort says we've totally missed the point
Why Gifted & Talented Black and Hispanic Students Can Go Undiscovered
Why the Earth Is Flat, Straight From the Mouth of a Very Popular Rapper
B.o.B. Just Started a Rap War With Neil DeGrasse Tyson Over His Flat Earth Tweets
Neil DeGrasse Tyson Gets Into A Rap Battle With B.o.B Over Flat Earth Theory
Debunking the Great "Selfies Are More Deadly Than Shark Attacks" Myth
Selfie Accidents Have Killed More People Than Sharks This Year
Picture This Mental Image? Some Just Can't
Girl woken from coma after listening to Adele
Practice Makes Possible: What We Learn by Studying Amazing Kids
You Probably Think You're Healthier Than You Are