Every American Except You Is Unhealthy

Extra Links for Lectures
Irked By The Way Millennials Speak? 'I Feel Like' It's Time To Loosen Up
How to Persuade Strangers to Do Your Bidding
Why are you talking to your dog instead of to me?
Watch a clever teacher annoy the back row of class to teach all students an important lesson about privilege and empathy
The NFL Meddled With And Backed Out Of A Brain Trauma Study, Investigators Say
Documenting Torture: Doctors Search For New Ways To Gather Evidence
This ed-reform trend is supposed to motivate students. Instead, it shames them.
What Does a Dog See in a Mirror?
Why Do We Gossip?
The Kind of Synesthesia Where You Feel Emotions in Your Fingertips
Millennials-Consulting Is Basically Witchcraft
Why Do Boys Have Wieners? | FiveThirtyEight
The Psychology of Oversharing Facebook Couples
BBC - Future - The more inept you are the smarter you think you are
Why People Conveniently Forget Doing Awful Things
Uber Hacks Statistics to Know Exactly When You'll Pay Surge Pricing
Video: What Onomatopeias Sound Like in Other Languages
The real reason that so many women have to spend so much time getting ready
Men Are Sabotaging The Online Reviews Of TV Shows Aimed At Women
Life Isn't Fair, So Why Do We Think It Is?
Transgender Men See Sexism From Both Sides
A Fantastic Optical Illusion: Just Another Brick in the Wall?
Meet The Scientists Fighting For More Studies On Genes And Racial Differences In Health
22 Jokes That Are Way Too Real For People Who Aren't Great With Feelings
Nootropics and the Human Lab Rats of Reddit
Imagine Discovering That Your Teaching Assistant Really Is a Robot
Target will stop labeling toys for boys or for girls. Good.
Obama administration directs schools to accommodate transgender students
New York Police Criticized for Using Restraining Bag in Arrests