Why People Care More About Pets Than Other Humans

Extra Links for Lectures
The Neuroscience of Being a Selfish Jerk
Madness: The Torturing of Mentally Ill Prisoners
5 Historical Manias That Gripped Societies, Then Disappeared
Can You Solve the Green-Eyed Logic Puzzle?
The Personality of Academic Majors
The Key to Happiness: Be Kinder to Yourself
Power of Positive Thinking Skews Mindfulness Studies
Inside the Strange, Psychic World of Indigo Children
Why Do Girls Tend to Have More Anxiety Than Boys?
Even the most empowered girls are more anxious about math than boys
Two Psychiatrists Share Advice About How To Talk To Someone Who Seems At Risk For Suicide
CIA Torture Victims Get Their Day in Court
Half Your Brain Is Alert The First Night In A New Place
Here's a Weird Test to Prove You're an Introvert
Even Babies Can Be Bribed to Abandon Their Morals
Annual Global Cost of Mental Illness: $1 Trillion
Mixed Signals: Why People Misunderstand Each Other
Why Some Pedophiles Don't Hurt Anyone
The scientific way to train white people to stop being racist
Detecting Autism Risk in Baby Babbles
UC Davis Spent at Least $175,000 in Tax Money to Erase Pictures of the Pepper Spray Cop from The Internet
Should All Teens Be Screened for Depression?
Brothers trick sister into impending zombie attack after wisdom teeth surgery
A Rare Few Remain Healthy Despite Profound Genetic Flaws
Parental Supports Reduces Anxiety And Depression For Transgender Youth
Male scientists described in same demeaning way as female scientists
Malcolm Gladwell got us wrong: Our research was key to the 10,000-hour rule, but here's what got oversimplified
Teaching Neuroscience in Prison
Drug for pedophiles to be tested in Swedish trial