The Politics and Economics of Empathy

Extra Links for Lectures
What Makes a Scream a Scream?
Choosing Altruism
California Gov. Jerry Brown just approved one of the toughest mandatory vaccine laws in the country
Untrustworthy Faces More Likely To Be Sentenced To Death
Sure, White People Are Privileged, But Not Me Personally!
Do Psychopaths Even Exist?
The Pedophile Test and the Questions It Raises
Jeremy Lin's Victory Over Stereotype Threat
Fusion dot net: Why This 'Dumb Hispanics' Study Is Dumb
A man became a math wiz after suffering brain injuries. Researchers think they know why.
The Truthiness of The Colbert Report
Huh? A Universal Word?
Jeb Bush: 'I Don't Know' If Charleston Shooting Was Racially Motivated
A Quick Puzzle to Test Your Problem Solving
The Myth of the Eight-Hour Sleep
Inside a Chinese Internet Addiction Boot Camp
Ten Years After Terri Schiavo, Death Debates Still Divide Us: Bioethicist
Study shows gender bias in science is real. Here's why it matters.
Why That Guy Keeps Reminding You He Went to an Ivy League School
The end of 'ex-gay' conversion therapy
Sleep Deprivation Makes Us Appear Unattractive and Sad
Confessions of Moms Around the World
The Brains of the Buddhists
Scientologists Really, Really Hate Psychiatrists
HBO still hasn't heard from Scientology lawyers for 'Going Clear'
Rikers: Where Mental Illness Meets Brutality in Jail
The Rotenberg Center's Controversial Behavior-Modification Program
Getting Science Right In The Media
Kate's Unabashed Baby Belly Busts The Last Taboo Of Pregnancy