This School Calls the Police on Students Every Other Day
An Illinois school for students with disabilities has routinely used the police to handle discipline, resulting in the highest arrest rate of any district in the country. In one recent year, half of Garrison School students were arrested.
Police Used 911 Call Analysis to Arrest a Mother on Murder Charge
After her baby died in the night, a young mother called 911. Police thought they could read her mind just by listening. Now she’s haunted by the words she chose.
Christopher Massimine, whose compulsive lying derailed a promising career in theater, maintains that it’s a mental illness that has dogged him since childhood.
New York City Will Hospitalize More Mentally Ill People Involuntarily
Mayor Eric Adams directed city agencies, including the Police Department, to take people who appear mentally ill and seem likely to harm others to hospitals for psychiatric care.
For Many Disabled People, a Battle to Stay in Australia or New Zealand
The two countries are outliers in routinely rejecting potential migrants on the basis of medical needs, leaving families with one ill member to struggle in a legal limbo.
Canada will soon allow medically assisted dying for mental illness. Has there been enough time to get it right?
With doctors divided and federal guidelines still in development, Canadians have questions about who will qualify for MAID next year – and whether it’s a good idea to give the most vulnerable an easier way to die
At Yale, suicidal students are pressured to withdraw, then must apply to get back into the university -- an approach under increasing attack from mental health activists and alumni
Study finds 43 percent of Harvard's white students are legacy, athletes, related to donors or staff
The number drops dramatically for black, Latino and Asian American students with less than 16 percent each coming from those categories, the study said.
Therapists and Fans are Turning Against Instagram's 'Holistic Psychologist'
Dr. Nicole LePera, better known as @The.Holistic.Psychologist, has over 2.6 million followers, but her "self-healing" approach has started to wear thin.
Health department medical detectives find 84% of U.S. maternal deaths are preventable
More than half of these deaths occur well after the mom leaves the hospital. To save lives, mothers need more support in the "fourth trimester, that time after the baby is born," one researcher says.
COMIC: How a computer scientist fights bias in algorithms
Computer scientist Joy Buolamwini is on a mission to fight bias in algorithms. In this comic, Buolamwini discusses the way biased algorithms can lead to real world inequality — and what we can do.
How to stop stewing about something you've taken (a little too) personally : Life Kit
Being offended by something that someone did or said can be upsetting — but it doesn't have to eat away at us. Mental health experts share how to slow down and gain clarity when things get personal.