The Anatomy of Attention

Extra Links for Lectures
Why Do Some Brains Enjoy Fear?
What happens when you remove the hippocampus?
The Psychology Behind Costco's Free Samples
The Fake-Tongue Illusion
'Judging America' GIF Series Reveals Our Own Biases
Science's Sexual Assault Problem
Replication controversy in psychology: Bullying, file drawer effect, blog posts, #repligate.
The Crisis in Social Psychology That Isn't
If Someone Secretly Controlled What You Say, Would Anyone Notice?
The Link Between Depression and Radicalization - Pacific Standard: The Science of Society
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie: The Danger of a Single Story (Stereotypes)
The Brain Basis of Extraordinary Feats of Will
"Cyranoids": Stanley Milgram's Creepiest Experiment
Best To Not Sweat The Small Stuff, Because It Could Kill You
What Hurts More: Childbirth Or Getting Kicked In The Balls?
People All Over the World Are Afraid of Happiness
Inside the Brains of People Who Tweet-and-Watch
Walter Mischel - The Colbert Report
How Big Data Is Failing Us
It's Official: Religion Doesn't Make You More Moral
How To Get Children To Behave Without Hitting Them
A Chart Shows How Respected Different Jobs Are
NY Man Hides Drugs in Anti-Drug Stuffed Animal
The Hijab Can Improve Body Image
22 Parents Who Are Nailing Empty-Nest Syndrome
Fingerprint words: Verbal tics that define us, and how they spread to others.
A Bizarre Psychology Experiment Had To Be Ended Early Because It Just Got Way Too Out Of Hand
What Is More Likely To Kill You
Study: Why Atheists Are So Disliked and Distrusted