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Making Jokes During a Presentation Helps Men But Hurts Women
Making Jokes During a Presentation Helps Men But Hurts Women
A common piece of advice for presentations and winning over audiences is to be funny. After all, research shows that leaders who use humor are able to increase their employees’ performance and job satisfaction. And hearing something funny or being amused can reduce stress, improve social relations, generate a positive mood, and increase motivation. But new research shows that these outcomes may only apply to men. After watching videotaped presentations by both male and female actors, the man was given higher ratings when he used humor, while the woman who did was given lower ratings. One participant noted that the humorous woman showed “poor judgment in jokes” and another noted that she tried “to cover up her lack of real business acumen by making little jokes.” In contrast, participants who saw the humorous male presentation commented that “he is witty and likes to use humor to not seem like a stern speaker” and another said that “he adds a touch of humor to break up the monotony of his presentation.” These findings don’t mean that women should stop being funny, however; it does mean that organizations and managers should instead increase awareness of this prejudice.
Making Jokes During a Presentation Helps Men But Hurts Women
Scientists can now diagnose depression with a blood test
Scientists can now diagnose depression with a blood test
Despite the fact that mental illness is quite common, it’s still heavily stigmatized across cultures and sometimes even challenging to diagnose and treat. Even if you are lucky enough to have good behavioral health care, your doctor has to combine…
Scientists can now diagnose depression with a blood test
The black woman - with white parents
The black woman - with white parents
Sandra Laing was born black, but to white parents. It would have been strange anywhere - but in apartheid South Africa it was disastrous. Rory Carroll reports from Johannesburg.
The black woman - with white parents
Do Brain Implants Change Your Identity?
Do Brain Implants Change Your Identity?
As neural devices proliferate, so do reports of personality changes, foundering relationships, and people who want to leave their careers.
Do Brain Implants Change Your Identity?
NYPD Officer Sent To Psych Ward By Superiors After Reporting Corruption
NYPD Officer Sent To Psych Ward By Superiors After Reporting Corruption
Graham Rayman at the Village Voice brings us more on officer Adrian Schoolcraft, the modern day Serpico who was sent to a psych ward for reporting on corruption in the NYPD. While working out of the 81st precinct in Brooklyn, Schoolcraft became aware of a pattern of crime victims getting caught up in bureaucratic hurdles that seemed to have purposely been set up to make it hard to report serious crimes. Schoolcraft reported a number of these incidents to investigators. That's where things take a turn for the insane:
NYPD Officer Sent To Psych Ward By Superiors After Reporting Corruption