Pharmacy Certification
Facebook Groups
Outlook Help and How-to - Office.com
Rules & Labels are your friends! :)
Zamzar - convert document, eBook, image, audio and video - free online file conversion
Blogger: Blogger Dashboard
Box | Simple Online Collaboration: Online File Storage, FTP Replacement, Team Workspaces
Home - Dropbox
Create, send, share, and edit a form - Google Drive Help
My Drive - Google Drive
Google Drive Help
Organizing your mail - Gmail Help
Socrative | Student Response System | Audience Response Systems | Clicker | Clickers | Student Clickers | ARS | Mobile Clicker | Software Clicker
GoSoapBox | Classroom Response System | Hear What Your Students are Thinking
Jing, screenshot and screencast software from TechSmith
VoiceThread - Conversations in the cloud
Audacity: Free Audio Editor and Recorder
PBworks: Online Collaboration
PBworks in Education PBworks hosts over 300,000 educational workspaces, and has helped transform teaching and learning for millions of students, parents and teachers. Educators ranging from major universities like DePaul, school districts like Baltimore County Public Schools and individual teachers trust PBworks as their collaborative learning environment.
ProfHacker - The Chronicle of Higher Education
ProfHacker delivers tips, tutorials, and commentary on pedagogy, productivity, and technology in higher education, Monday through Friday
Text Message (SMS) Polls and Voting, Audience Response System | Poll Everywhere
Poll Everywhere replaces expensive proprietary audience response hardware with standard web technology.
GroupTweet | Helping groups communicate privately via Twitter
GroupTweet turns a standard Twitter account into a group communication hub where members can post updates to everyone in the group using direct messages. When the group account receives a direct message from a group member, GroupTweet converts it into a tweet that all followers can see.
WordPress.com — Get a Free Blog Here
WordPress is web software you can use to create a beautiful website or blog. We like to say that WordPress is both free and priceless at the same time.
Prezi - The Zooming Presentation Editor
Create astonishing presentations live and on the web
Animoto - The End of Slideshows
Animoto automatically produces beautifully orchestrated, completely unique video pieces from your photos, video clips and music. Fast, free and shockingly easy.
Getting Started with Google Docs in the Classroom - ProfHacker - The Chronicle of Higher Education
Excellent article on how to use Google Docs in the classroom. Also includes suggestions and pitfalls.
Tech Tip Tuesday – Google Presentations – edtech VISION
Using Google Presentations to keep students engaged during class.
KeePass Password Safe
@library_chic save your passwords in keepass instead...not safe to save them in your browser
LastPass - LastPass
TinyURL.com - shorten that long URL into a Tiny URL