The Public Domain Review
Primary Sources
Public Domain Image Archive
Guiding Principles for Reparative Description
Blog post from 2022 the 10th Archivist of the United States on reparative description
Inclusive Description | Society of American Archivists
Resources from the Society of American Archivists on how to handle harmful language that may appear in archives
List of statements on bias in library and archives description – Cataloging Lab
Information from various institutions about possible harmful language that may be found in archival materials and how the institution is handling that
TN History For Kids - Home
Tennessee Virtual Archive (TeVA)
Primary Sources and Personal Artifacts at the Library of Congress
This lesson plan introduces the practice of using primary sources; where to find primary sources, what they are, how to examine them, and how to construct a context to tell more of the story.
The star spangled banner
Exploring Community Through Local History: Oral Stories, Landmarks and Traditions | Classroom Materials at the Library of Congress | Library of Congress
Family Customs Past and Present: Exploring Cultural Rituals | Classroom Materials at the Library of Congress | Library of Congress
Primary Sources and Personal Artifacts | Classroom Materials at the Library of Congress | Library of Congress
Education Outreach: Digital Breakouts | A History of Tennessee Student Edition
Education Outreach: Early Learners | A History of Tennessee Student Edition
The American Influenza Epidemic of 1918: A Digital Encyclopedia
the Influenza Encyclopedia has become the Internet repository for historical documents on the American influenza pandemic of 1918-1919.
Primary Source Nexus
Provides curated primary source sets on a myriad of subjects and topics, learning and teaching resources, and information and access to news, opportunities, and resources from the Library of Congress and members of Teaching with Primary Sources (TPS) Consortium.
Perseus Collections/Texts
The flagship collection, under development since 1987, covers the history, literature and culture of the Greco-Roman world.
TRansforming Instruction in Undergraduate Mathematics via Primary Historical Sources (TRIUMPHS)
The TRIUMPHS project has created classroom materials designed to actively engage students in doing mathematics as they interact with the original writings of mathematicians from various world cultures and historical time periods. By carefully intertwining excerpts from those original writings with a series of intentionally designed tasks, these materials prompt students to act like mathematicians themselves – asking questions, interpreting ideas, exploring examples, conjecturing and proving theorems, and comparing multiple perspectives – as they build their own robust understanding of key mathematical concepts and methods.
Best Digital Tools for Teaching & Learning | American Association of School Librarians
Home - Free Educator Resources from the Feds - LibGuides at University of Memphis Libraries
This research guide presents free resources for educators hosted by United States government agencies RT @erynduffee: Amazing resource being presented by two staff members at U Memphis! #tnla19
Keeping Up With… Primary Source Literacy
Provides links and information about various aspects of using primary sources in the classroom
SAA Dictionary: archival silence
n. a gap in the historical record resulting from the unintentional or purposeful absence or distortion of documentation
Based on an award-winning project at Brooklyn Historical Society, shares our teaching philosophy and findings with a global audience of instructors, administrators, librarians, archivists, and museum educators. Use this site to teach students ranging from middle school to graduate school.
Ethically Teaching Primary Sources that Reflect Histories of Violence, Hate, and Oppression
Because teaching with primary sources that reflect difficult and violent histories can be demanding for both students and instructors, we take a more holistic approach to ethically teaching primary sources. The suggestions are student-centered and include a reflection component for special collections and archival instructors. Do consider the preparation time required and intellectual/emotional labor, as well as the breadth of your holdings, and then select the suggestions that suit your individual needs and instruction session best.
Guidelines for Primary Source Literacy
One page version of the SAA Guidelines for Primary Source Literacy
Guidelines for Primary Source Literacy | Society of American Archivists
These guidelines articulate the range of knowledge, skills, and abilities required to effectively use primary sources. While the primary audience for this document is librarians, archivists, teaching faculty, and others working with college and university students, the guidelines have been written to be sufficiently flexible for use in K-12 and in general public settings as well. The guidelines articulate crucial skills for navigating the complexity of primary sources and codify best practices for utilizing these materials.
Teaching with Primary Sources Collective
The Teaching with Primary Sources (TPS) Collective is an online hub that brings together resources, professional development and support for those who teach with primary sources, including librarians, archivists, teachers, cultural heritage professionals, and anyone who has an interest in using primary sources in an educational setting. (primary audience is university level)
Digital Collections | Nashville Public Library
Explore photographs, postcards, maps, manuscript documents, and oral history clips from the Special Collections Division, Metro Archives, and more.
Educational Resources | Statue of Liberty & Ellis Island
Includes: Virtual experiences, including one that takes you inside the Statue of Liberty for an unprecedented look at her history, construction, and views of NY Harbor; Tips for using the Passenger Search database to discover your family’s connection to Ellis Island; Videos vignettes exploring the Ellis Island immigrant experience; and links to recommended webinars, activities, crafts, and educational materials
71 Digital Portals to State History | The Signal
from 2013, but a starting point at least