0:00 - do you know the muffin man? 1:16 - brief introduction to marxism 1:47 - class distinctions in shrek 2:55 - shrek 5:51 - donkey 7:52 - lord farquaad 8:23 - the political economy 10:00 - lord farquaad as political agent 12:39 - shrek as revolutionary 14:40 - shrek vs lord farquaad 16:24 - fiona and postmodernism 17:47 - dragon 18:23 - how revolutionary was the revolution? 19:53 - yes, i know the muffin man

30min or less
Andrew Sage (28:52): Let's unravel the defining characteristics of third places, tap into their historical significance and evolution, and explore how we can build and nurture the enduring allure of these social sanctuaries in the modern world.
Introduction - 0:00 What Are Third Places? - 1:57 The Benefits of Third Places - 7:02 The Historical Power of the Third Place - 8:34 What Happened To Third Places? - 9:52 Le Third Place - 13:33 A Few Teensy Critiques - 16:08 Radical, Revived Third Places - 24:20
Andrew Sage (26:56): The library has been a long-standing institution in our society, but what if we applied its philosophy more broadly? Let's imagine what it would mean to realise the possibilities of this proto-socialist concept and reintroduce free access to the commons through a library economy.
Introduction - 0:00 Brief History of Libraries - 3:11 The Rise of the Internet (wow!) - 5:42 Foundational Concepts of a Library Economy - 6:58 Imagining a Library Economy - 16:05 Questions & Concerns of a Libray Economy - 18:11 Outro - 22:03
Andrewism (16:21) Whether positively or negatively, the tourism industry affects us all. Let's explore the many ethical dilemmas that may be found in one's pursuit of wanderlust.
TIMESTAMPS Introduction - 0:00 Ethical Dilemmas of Tourism - 2:38 Enter: The Untourist - 10:26 Radicalising Travel - 12:19