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How We Got Here... (Israel Palestine War Explained)
How We Got Here... (Israel Palestine War Explained)

liy: Feels like calling a friend over for an hour to break it down for you, who pulls up links and watches them with you, yells at bad takes so you don't have to... all without the possibility of losing that friendship. not really an essay so the time flies by (1:03:47)

  • He breaks it down like he's running media literacy 101 daycare for a generation younger than him (because he is),
  • he answers questions in chat along the way,
  • his examples are clear but not gory,
  • and his editors are very good at cutting together a tight explainer video out of a much longer livestream.
How We Got Here... (Israel Palestine War Explained)
TikTok Gave Me Autism: The Politics of Self Diagnosis
TikTok Gave Me Autism: The Politics of Self Diagnosis

Alexander Avila (1:09:00)


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Baron-Cohen, S. (1997). Mindblindness: An essay on autism and theory of mind. MIT press.

Botha, M. (2022), “Community Psychology as Reparations for Violence in the Construction of Autism Knowledge” in The Routledge International Handbook of Critical Autism Studies. Taylor & Francis.

Gernsbacher, M. A., & Yergeau, M. (2019). Empirical failures of the claim that autistic people lack a theory of mind. Archives of scientific psychology, 7(1), 102.

Descartes (1641), Meditations on First Philosophy,

Yergeau, M.R. Yergeau (2018), Authoring Autism: ​​On Rhetoric and Neurological Queerness, p. 10

Butler, J. (1997), The Psychic Life of Power: Theories in Subjection

TikTok Gave Me Autism: The Politics of Self Diagnosis