curated watchlist
Elliot Sang (1:09:28): Learning from the history of Korean women to understand contemporary gender wars.
on the uniquely patriarchal conditions of korea, marriage strike, child penalty, brief history and context of how women are seen in korea, korean female deities, catholicism in korea, women adopting each other to have legal rights of care, the real work of gender liberation is done by women quietly doing community care work
the problem of fighting for rights at the expense of other people’s rights
Shaun (1:45:49) essential viewing if you want to deprogram yourself from Harry Potter nostalgia so that transphobe JK Rowling who is richer than the queen doesn't continue to misguide millions
Alexander Avila (1:26:11)
TIMESTAMPS 00:00:00 Intro 00:07:07 PART 1: Ideology 00:14:44 PART 2: Unpacking the Rules 00:15:38 Rule 1: Treasure Your Normal Life 00:24:44 Rule 2: It's Okay to Make Mistakes 00:31:17 Rule 3: Be True to Yourself 00:48:15 PART 3: The Excess 01:15:31 PART 4: Choose Yourself
tags: culture, sociology, miley cyrus, flowers, hannah montana, music, music theory, internet analysis, video essay, analysis video, philosophy, rowan ellis, shanspeare, jordan theresa, vox, cj the x, tiffany ferg, alice cappelle, contrapoints, channel 5, philosophy tube, madisyn brown, chad chad, sisyphus 55, tara mooknee, noah samsen, FD signifier, khadija mbowe, clark elieson, the leftist cooks, deep dive, mina le, oliSUNvia, gen z, social science, zizek, judith butler, gender, gay, lgbt, disney
Sophie From Mars (2:21:29) I raved about this essay on https://liyyusof.com/doomer-mushroom/
00:00 Part 1: The Uninabitable Earth 40:31 Part 2: How To Blow Up A Pipeline 01:24:35 Part 3: The Mushroom At The End Of The World