30 Apr 2024: Israeli tourist tried to go to Maldives, was kicked out by local island community
Israeli tourist tried to enter one of the islands in the Maldives for a holiday while her country commits genocide. She was kicked out by local island community and last reports indicate she was on her way back to the airport after realizing humanity does not welcome them anymore — Muad M Zaki 💙🌊 (@muadmzaki)
7 Nov 2023: Financial Times says impact on Israeli economy is unsustainable. Israel is a failing settler colonial venture.
This FT article usefully lays out the various ways in which the Israeli economy is being majorly negatively impacted by the war in a way that looks unsustainable. Israel increasingly looks like a rapidly failing settler colonial venture. https://www.ft.com/content/77d7ff6b-85f7-40ba-babe-ed82a3e8208f — Louis Allday (@Louis_Allday)
22 Mar 2024: Israel makes North Korea look like Switzerland in comparison. Israel is a non-viable death and murder cult
Israel is the worst country on earth. North Korea is Switzerland compared to it. Let's finally be honest with other. You cannot kill 35,000 innocent civilians and claim the moral high ground. Israel as currently constructed is non-viable. A death and murder cult. - @DanielLMcAdams
1 Feb 2024: Most Israelis think 2.3 million people in Gaza should not get humanitarian aid and die of dehydration and starvation instead
60% of Jewish Israelis oppose allowing humanitarian aid into Gaza. A super majority of Jewish Israelis think the 2.3M people in Gaza should die of dehydration and starvation.
— Zachary Foster (@_ZachFoster)
11 Feb 2024: Tel Aviv is covered in trash and pornography and mosquitoes, they hate each other and hate outsiders. Although Americans are enthusiastic zionists, Israelis are super rude and off-putting, and have bad taste in music too
Israelis are the rudest and most off-putting people on the planet. Tel Aviv is covered in trash and pornography and filled with mosquitos. They hate each other and hate outsiders even more. Americans are enthusiastic zionists BECAUSE they don't know Israel or Israelis. — The Muslim Thomas Archive (@MuslimThomas)
24 Feb 2024: Israelis are obnoxious tourists, eg. in Baños, Ecuador, where they like to go
When I went to Ecuador, there was a hotel in Baños that was FULL of Israelis since it’s a popular town w/Israelis and….man. some of the most obnoxious people in the world 😭😭😭😭😭 — סופי king dyke (@devilhornsdyke)
Democracy Now! on Instagram: "Far-right protesters in Israel, including at least one member of the Knesset, broke into two Israeli military bases on Monday in an effort to prevent military police from detaining nine soldiers suspected of torturing Palestinian prisoners at the Sde Teiman detention center. The nine soldiers are reportedly being investigated for gang-raping a Palestinian prisoner at Sde Teiman, a shadowy prison where where prisoners from Gaza say they have been routinely beaten and tortured. Some prisoners had limbs amputated due to injuries sustained from constant handcuffing."
6 Jul 2024: Railway Tuan Cafe in Hanoi refused to serve Israelis
🇻🇳🇵🇸A restaurant named 'Railway Tuan Café' in Hanoi, Vietnam refused to serve Israelis. “My shop doesn't accept people from your country.” Little did they know that this was actually the best advertisement for the restaurant.
— Suppressed News. (@SuppressedNws)
23 Sep 2024: extremely satisfying video from an economist who grew up in Israel, listing all the reasons this Zionist project is over
A political economist who grew up in israel got on AJ+ 3 days ago and says israel cannot make it, too many people moving out and more. Israel cannot continue to survive as an apartheid state, and its genocide in Gaza could collapse its own economy. — AJ+ (@ajplus)