29 Dec 2023: Israeli genocide-rave culture is unsettling, even the Nazis at least felt too bad to dance
There’s something about the Israeli genocide-rave culture that is just unsettling. The weight of what they are doing means nothing. It’s a party! There’s no food, no water, no anaesthetic, almost 2% of the population are exterminated, 80% of the homes destroyed. Sounds like a party. 🥳 Did the Nazis rave like this? According to Douglass Murray they didn’t “at least the Nazis felt bad” — ADAM (@AdameMedia)
24 Jan 2024: There's nothing much for young IDF reservist soldiers to do besides take MDMA and hold rave
@chiweethedog: I’m not joking. 50% of the world’s ecstasy and MDMA come from the Israeli mafia and there’s nothing to do for much of the IDF soldiers especially the young ones who enlisted as reserves besides taking MDMA and dancing in the green zones
26 Oct 2023: Most of the MDMA trafficked in the 1990s came through the IOF army, with recent investment using MDMA to deal with the long term psychological stress of committing war crimes and atrocities
Most of the MDMA trafficked in the 1990s came through the IDF, and with recent investment using MDMA to treat PTSD; the "rave inside of a combat zone" seems to be how the IDF deals with the long term psychological stress on IDF soldiers of committing war crimes and atrocities. — jønny ⦿⃤🔻 🇵🇸 فلسطين حرة! (@jonnysocialism)
25 Sep 2024: 500 international publishers demand Frankfurt Book Fair cut ties with Israel
Publishers for Palestine, a global solidarity collective of more than 500 publishers in 50 countries, has issued an open letter to the Frankfurt Book Fair (the world’s largest trade fair for books, which this year takes place from October 16 – 20 and is expected to bring in over 200,000 visitors) demanding that its organizers “denounce Israel’s targeting of Gaza’s writers, students, schools, universities, libraries, archives, and book publishers in its ongoing genocide.”
6 Nov 2023: while gazans are dying, idf soldiers are making videos on tiktok showing off their outfits, showing off their food and water, showing off their HOSTAGES AND VICTIMS
while gaza is experiencing possibly the deadliest night yet, idf soldiers are still making videos on tiktok showing off their outfits, showing off their food and water, showing off their HOSTAGES AND VICTIMS. if you're trying to show pity for israel, open your fucking eyes. — ray☆彡 moved 📌 (@rayisverytired)
AJ+ on Instagram: "Israeli soldier, Moche Avichzer, was reportedly detained in July while on holiday in Marrakesh, according to The New Arab. He is being accused of committing war crimes in Gaza after finishing three months of duty there. Avichzer reportedly posted photos of his vacation in Morocco, shortly after sharing images of himself in destroyed Palestinian homes and by rubble in Gaza. A Moroccan court is reportedly preparing to try his case, following protests by hundreds of Moroccans demanding that he be tried as a war criminal. … Producer: Salwa Sadek #Morocco #Marrakesh #IsraeliForces #Court #WarCrimes #IsraeliOccupation #Gaza #Bombardment #InternationalLaw"
18 Jan 2024: Zionist influencer messaging now fears backlash, they can't be unapologetically racist anymore
There is a shift in culture because anytime before the Zionists were allowed to be unapologetically racist and genocidal, but right now they seem to fear the backlash and choose this "both sides" bullshit PR language instead. — Anita Zsurzsan 🇵🇸 ✡️ (@iamjourjean)
7 Jan 2024: The state of Israeli society has crossed a threshold and yet liberal Zionists remain delusional trying to get control back of the narrative they lost
The state of Israeli society:
1) As a whole, it has crossed a threshold, in which Palestinian people are no longer human, therefore any dialogue is perceived as “radical”.
2) Liberal Zionists remain delusional, desperate to assume the control they lost over the narrative.
Yoav Litvin @nookyelur
20 Apr 2024: Israel gives honorary award to Zionist musician who was arrested with his father for gangr*ping and trafficking young kids
holy shit. The Israeli parliament just gave an honorary award to an Israeli Zionist musician who was arrested along with his father for gang raping and trafficking young children — ☀️👀 (@zei_squirrel)
18 Sep 2024: The Economist says Israel is unpopular across Europe, yes even in Germany
Israel is unpopular across Europe, including in Germany, but “anti-Zionism on the left is offset by the rising power of Europe’s hard right, which is anti-Muslim and largely pro-Israel” according to the Economist — James Jackson (@derJamesJackson)