perfect movie length

perfect movie length

#youtube #queer
The Matrix Is Intrinsically Trans
The Matrix Is Intrinsically Trans
Aranock (1:36:43): Some cis people would like to deny the intrinsic transness of The Matrix. This film is a response to that, and an examination of the importance of listening to marginalized perspectives. This film is releasing on the one year anniversary of my coming out as trans to everyone in my life.
The Matrix Is Intrinsically Trans
Hannah Montana's Guide to Life Under Capitalism
Hannah Montana's Guide to Life Under Capitalism

Alexander Avila (1:26:11)

TIMESTAMPS 00:00:00 Intro 00:07:07 PART 1: Ideology 00:14:44 PART 2: Unpacking the Rules 00:15:38 Rule 1: Treasure Your Normal Life 00:24:44 Rule 2: It's Okay to Make Mistakes 00:31:17 Rule 3: Be True to Yourself 00:48:15 PART 3: The Excess 01:15:31 PART 4: Choose Yourself

tags: culture, sociology, miley cyrus, flowers, hannah montana, music, music theory, internet analysis, video essay, analysis video, philosophy, rowan ellis, shanspeare, jordan theresa, vox, cj the x, tiffany ferg, alice cappelle, contrapoints, channel 5, philosophy tube, madisyn brown, chad chad, sisyphus 55, tara mooknee, noah samsen, FD signifier, khadija mbowe, clark elieson, the leftist cooks, deep dive, mina le, oliSUNvia, gen z, social science, zizek, judith butler, gender, gay, lgbt, disney

Hannah Montana's Guide to Life Under Capitalism