The content producer ouroboros (or: Lou Plummer is right)

America's 20 Most Popular National Parks, Ranked
21 Words Created by Shakespeare (And 4 That Weren’t)
Killed by Google
101 Additional Advices
57 Best Condiments in the World
Wendy's is giving away free French fries every Friday for the rest of the year
9 Brilliant Lessons from David Mamet's Writing Staff Memo - ScreenCraft
David mamet memo
Explore NASA's Best Photos of the Year
Struggling with a Moral Panic Once Again
When Do We Stop Finding New Music? A Statistical Analysis
Earth Day 2024: Witness our changing planet in 12 incredible satellite images
The Nostalgia Machine
Radio | David Byrne Presents: The Power of Song to Give Voice is Eternal
Battle of the Clipboard Managers : r/macapps
How Do I Prepare My Phone for a Protest? (Updated 2024) – The Markup
Where to Go in 2024
The Book Review’s Best Books Since 2000
These Tech Products Notoriously Got Wrecked by First Reviews
How Daniel Radcliffe Outran Harry Potter
Paleo diet? Study reveals new insight on what Stone Age humans really ate | CNN
Emperor penguin chicks jump off a 50-foot cliff in Antarctica NEVER-BEFORE-FILMED FOR TV | Nat Geo
10 Common Words You’re Probably Mispronouncing
Beavis and Butt-Head - SNL
‘Wirecutter’ Best Wok Pick Shows Perils of Internet Fame - Bloomberg
A history of the American economy through stadium names
The 10 most bizarre golf courses in the world | CNN
The Analog Web - The History of the Web