

#embeddings #ai
Quantization - Qdrant
Quantization - Qdrant
Qdrant is an Open-Source Vector Database and Vector Search Engine written in Rust. It provides fast and scalable vector similarity search service with convenient API.
Quantization is an optional feature in Qdrant that enables efficient storage and search of high-dimensional vectors. By transforming original vectors into a new representations, quantization compresses data while preserving close to original relative distances between vectors. Different quantization methods have different mechanics and tradeoffs. We will cover them in this section.
Quantization - Qdrant
Question Answering - OpenAI | Weaviate - vector search engine
Question Answering - OpenAI | Weaviate - vector search engine
In short
First it performs a semantic search with k=1 to find the document (e.g. a Sentence, Paragraph, Article, etc.) which is most likely to contain the answer. This step has no certainty threshold and as long as at least one document is present, it will be fetched and selected as the one most likely containing the answer. In a second step, Weaviate creates the required prompt as an input to an external call made to the OpenAI Completions endpoint. Weaviate uses the most relevant documents to establish a prompt for which OpenAI extracts the answer
Question Answering - OpenAI | Weaviate - vector search engine