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Ship of Theseus - Wikipedia
Ship of Theseus - Wikipedia
The Ship of Theseus is a thought experiment about whether an object which has had all of its original components replaced remains the same object. According to legend, Theseus, the mythical Greek founder-king of Athens, rescued the children of Athens from King Minos after slaying the minotaur and then escaped onto a ship going to Delos. Each year, the Athenians commemorated this legend by taking the ship on a pilgrimage to Delos to honor Apollo. A question was raised by ancient philosophers: After several centuries of maintenance, if each individual part of the Ship of Theseus was replaced, one at a time, was it still the same ship?
The Ship of Theseus is a thought experiment about whether an object which has had all of its original components replaced remains the same object. According to legend, Theseus, the mythical Greek founder-king of Athens, rescued the children of Athens from King Minos after slaying the minotaur and then escaped onto a ship going to Delos. Each year, the Athenians commemorated this legend by taking the ship on a pilgrimage to Delos to honor Apollo. A question was raised by ancient philosophers: After several centuries of maintenance, if each individual part of the Ship of Theseus was replaced, one at a time, was it still the same ship?
Ship of Theseus - Wikipedia
Reality Is A Strange Loop - The Beauty Of Paradox + GRAPHICS
Reality Is A Strange Loop - The Beauty Of Paradox + GRAPHICS
Strange Loops - A guided tour through Douglas Hofstadter's paradoxical concept of 'strange loops', and what they reveal about the ultimate nature of existence and consciousness. The Ultimate Life Purpose Course - Create Your Dream Career: Leo Reviews Top 200 Self Help Books Leo's Blog: Forum Contribute subtitles & translations for any video, watch how: Disclaimer: Advice provided without warranty. This is NOT medical advice. By watching & applying this advice you agree to take 100% responsibility for all consequences. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Special Thanks & Graphic Credits: Turquoise Penrose Triangle: Anton Kononov Varios pictures & animations: Twisted Donut animation: Jacobo Zabludovsky Rainbow Spiral animation & Strange Attractors animation: David Szakaly Waterfall animation: Owen Chikazawa Wheel Forever animation: David Whyte Swirling Dots animation: Iain Acton Drawing Hands & Relativity: M.C. Escher GEB Recursion: Alexandre Duret-Lutz Unknown Artists: Please contact me for credit.
Reality Is A Strange Loop - The Beauty Of Paradox + GRAPHICS
Binding problem - Wikipedia
Binding problem - Wikipedia
The consciousness and binding problem is the problem of how objects, background and abstract or emotional features are combined into a single experience.[1] The binding problem refers to the overall encoding of our brain circuits for the combination of decisions, actions, and perception. The binding problem encompasses a wide range of different circuits and can be divided into subsections that will be discussed later on. The binding problem is considered a "problem" due to the fact that no complete model exists. The binding problem can be subdivided into four problems of perception, used in neuroscience, cognitive science and philosophy of mind. Including general considerations on coordination,the Subjective unity of perception, and variable binding
Binding problem - Wikipedia