Designer Portfolios

Designer Portfolios

Make brand memorable. - Saffron Brand Consultants
Make brand memorable. - Saffron Brand Consultants
A memorable brand makes a business stronger. It speeds up decision-making. It increases premiums. It encourages repeat purchase. Saffron makes brands memorable by delivering on the promise of an experience across strategy, design and product.
Make brand memorable. - Saffron Brand Consultants
Magma - Digital studio for brands with balls
Magma - Digital studio for brands with balls
Avec créativité et ambition comme moteurs, nous créons des expériences impactantes pour faire rayonner votre marque durablement.
Magma - Digital studio for brands with balls
New Territory
New Territory
A globally operating digital design studio, offering purposeful design, goal orientated development and dependable growth.
New Territory
Federico Gallo — Designer
Federico Gallo — Designer
Currently working at Young Platform helping to concept and design amazing products, simple, beautiful and easy to use for buying and selling Crypto.
Federico Gallo — Designer
Sharon Haejung Lee Product Design Portfolio
Sharon Haejung Lee Product Design Portfolio
Sharon Lee is a digital product designer, based in New York City, passionate about creating thoughtful user experiences. She is currently at Levin Riegner (L+R).
Sharon Haejung Lee Product Design Portfolio
Kyle Lambert | Designer, Maker, Writer
Kyle Lambert | Designer, Maker, Writer
I design interfaces, experiences, businesses, and write about it here. Currently creating developer ecosystems at Webflow.
Kyle Lambert | Designer, Maker, Writer
MILL3 - Digital Agency
MILL3 - Digital Agency
MILL3 is a digital agency established in Montréal and specialized in strategy, design & web development. Let's Talk.
MILL3 - Digital Agency
Parallel is an innovation consultancy shaping the future of analytics and decision making.
Trong - Product Designer
Trong - Product Designer
Product Designer who’s learning to write and express thoughts. Currently, I’m improving the experience for Property, Cars and building Design System at Carousell.
Trong - Product Designer
A Place to Be
A Place to Be
A branding and visual identity design studio based off the Mediterranean shores devising experiences for entrepreneurs and their audiences of all walks of life
A Place to Be
Loka - Fast Product Launch & Market Impact from Apps to AI
Loka - Fast Product Launch & Market Impact from Apps to AI
Loka accelerates your ideas into market-ready products. Expertise in AI, data services, DevOps, cloud services, app development, and healthcare, life sciences consulting, and AWS specialists. Launch and innovate faster with us.
Loka - Fast Product Launch & Market Impact from Apps to AI
Invested Brand Design Partners
Invested Brand Design Partners
We are a boutique, full-service creative studio that believes compelling brands are born from innovative ideas, hard work, and trusting relationships.
Invested Brand Design Partners
Quarterre / Design Innovation Partners
Quarterre / Design Innovation Partners
Crafting the future of product, place and play. Innovation, transport, product & user experience design.
Quarterre / Design Innovation Partners
Lovelace Paris
Lovelace Paris
Lovelace Studio Paris - A hyper-creative studio for your unforgettable digital experience, website, e-commerce, digital design or graphic design projects.
Lovelace Paris
Korie Cull
Korie Cull
Award-winning designer with a multidisciplinary background in art, design and direction.
Korie Cull
lucas ferreira
lucas ferreira
Lucas Rodrigues mora e trabalha em São Paulo. Bacharel em Comunicação e Multimeios pela Universidade Estadual de Maringá, já trabalhou em escritórios de design gráfico em Maringá e São Paulo com foco especial em iniciativas culturais e iniciativa privada.
lucas ferreira
A motion partner building brand-led identities, systems, and applications.
Kris Barilnik
Kris Barilnik
Kris' portfolio
Kris Barilnik
Jim Designs
Jim Designs
Product Design subscription | Unlimited premium designs for SaaS startups. | Design Subscription
Jim Designs
Creative Studio – ED.
Creative Studio – ED.
ED. is a digital-first brand and web studio based in Australia working across AUS and US timezones.
Creative Studio – ED.