이지위드는 새로운 비주얼과 아이디어를 이용한 창조적인 콘텐츠를 만듭니다. 이지위드는 기술과 감성이 결합된 최적의 UX 디자인을 추구합니다. 이지위드는 혁신적 서비스를 통하여 고객의 핵심가치를 전달합니다. 이지위드는 ‘뉴미디어 인터랙티브 콘텐츠’, ‘인터랙티브 디지털 사이니지 플랫폼’, ‘리테일 디지털 서비스’의 개발 전문 회사로 2006년 설립 이래 100여 건 이상의 국·내외 프로젝트를 진행하며 그 전문성을 인정받고 있습니다. 기능적으로 세분화된 팀 간의 긴밀한 협업 시스템을 통해 고도화된 콘텐츠를 구현하여 고객의 비즈니스에 혁신적 서비스를 제공합니다. Easywith is professionalized in creating up-to-date contents with fresh ideas. Easywith seeks optimal UX Design in combination with technology and sensibility. Easywith delivers logical concept & core value through innovative service process. Easywith is specialized in ‘New Media Interactive Contents’, ‘Interactive Digital Signage Platform’ and ‘Retail Digital Service Development’. Easywith has managed and accomplished over 100 projects domestically and internationally since its inception in 2006. Further, Easywith has credited for the professionalism in multi-media field by providing innovative service experience accordingly to clients’ needs through the close collaboration system between functionally divisionalized teams.
I'm Robin Payot, a Freelance Creative Developer based in Paris, I love programming 3D or 2D websites with good design and beautiful animations using WebGL, JS, HTML, CSS, frameworks included. I've made my first WebGL website in 2015 and got my degree at HETIC in 2016. I then continued to develop websites in different agencies and worked on a metaverse more rencently.
Spring/Summer is a digital design agency in Copenhagen. We build strong brands through digital storytelling, engaging content, branded e-commerce experiences and intuitive services & products. We build sites on Shopify, Craft CMS, Wordpress and other platforms.
Web Design Agency Crafting Unique Digital Experiences | Drewl
Web Design Agency in London, doing things differently. Specialising in custom web design that elevates brands with WordPress, Headless CMS, and UI/UX design.
141 works by Andrew Chee, based in Brooklyn, NY, USA, updated 2023 Aug 23 04:12:02 UTC. Tags: Spaces (25), Objects (47), Systems (95), Interfaces (80), Actions (49), Studio (97). Contact: info (at) andrewchee (dot) com. 1998–2023 CC BY-SA International.
We help ambitious companies identify, explore and respond to new opportunities by building digital solutions. We understand the importance of our design in people's lives and are responsible for it.
We are a Los Angeles-based digital design agency specializing in creating interactive digital experiences, bespoke websites, applications, and immersive experiences.
Product Designer with more than 5 years of experience across different industries and platforms. I’m focused on creating elegant and intuitive solutions that meet users' needs & business goals. Have experience in B2B and B2C products, and also worked with SaaS. Led a small team of 3 people, providing mentorship and guidance to ensure high-quality work. Teaching junior designers has also been a part of my experience.