Egg, is a creative studio that brings brands, products and experiences to life through a strong commitment to conceptual ideation, collaboration and experimentation.Full website coming soon.
Baked Studio - Product design partner for startups
We are shipping as if there were no tomorrow. We don’t overthink, we bake fast. As time is priceless. Our framework speeds up UI design, while our UX services ensure products meet user needs and drive business success.
I’m Filippo Ruffini, 28 years old Graphic Designer. I was born in Cremona ( Italy ) city of violins, and now I’m living in Brescia. I’m specialized in UI/UX design, Digital branding, Interaction design & Motion Graphics.
Fourth Floor | Web Design and Webflow Development Studio in Miami
Fourth Floor is an independent Web design and Webflow development studio helping ambitious, purpose-driven businesses and startups achieve more by creating stunning, effective websites that help them standout and convert.
Привіт! Я спеціалізуюсь на дизайні складних інтерфейсів. Роблю все можливе, щоб користувачі отримували задоволення і згадували ваш продукт незлим тихим словом.
Multi-layered calendars (new)
The power of defaults
Banking on status
Chief Notion Officer
Is this real life?
A meta-layer for notes
Proof of X
Thoughts on e-commerce (Part 2)
Thoughts on e-commerce (Part 1)
AirPods as a platform
Signaling as a service
Superhuman &am