Welcome to my website! With over six years of experience, I specialize in crafting visually engaging and human-centered solutions for mobile and web platforms.
I’m a junior programmer and web developer currently majoring in computer science. I specialize in crafting outstanding digital experiences, with a side passion for design.
W thesign.digital™ budujemy i przekształcamy marki, by pomóc im rozwiązywać nawet najbardziej złożone problemy biznesowe. Robimy to poprzez branding, design i przemyślane produkty cyfrowe. Stoją za nimi sprytne i sprawdzone procesy, które łączą badania i twarde dane z pięknem, magią technologii i odwagą do spełniania własnych marzeń.
we are an independent and location free design studio. Keeping up with the ever evolving and changing world is our passion. We are a team that constantly dreams and loves to create value.
We are design geeks, hardware nerds, software whizz-kids, and restless entrepreneurs from all over the globe that get together everyday to innovate and challenge the status quo.
A Seoul-based visual artist & art director, focusing on creating visual dynamism with 3D art and animation. Contact: hello@eunjeongyoo.com - Instagram: @eunjeong_yoo
Sophie Tyrrell is a multidisciplnary freelance designer that works in brand design, identity, art direction, and motion design. Based in Sydney, Australia.