Designer Portfolios

Designer Portfolios

Muuv Creative | Brand Design Agency
Muuv Creative | Brand Design Agency
We are a full-service design agency, creating brands & experiences using tech, communications, and content to solve your problems.
Muuv Creative | Brand Design Agency
Brand Designer / Jamie Gregory
Brand Designer / Jamie Gregory
I'm a Brand Designer that creates compelling brand identity and digital design experiences.
Brand Designer / Jamie Gregory
AGE Creative
AGE Creative
AGE Creative是以企劃整合及視覺統籌為主的團隊,我們與各領域藝術家、設計師及企劃們密切的合作,從影像類的2D動態影像、3D動態影像、動態拍攝,到平面設計類的藝術指導、品牌設計、裝幀設計,及企劃類的創意企劃、策略分析、行銷企劃。我們認為創意進入前期,進而雙向的溝通及合作,才能帶來彼此不曾想像過的突破。
AGE Creative
Dennis Jin
Dennis Jin
B. 1995, Strömstad, Sweden. Currently in Paris, France. Design Engineer.
Dennis Jin
Myriam Phung on Contra
Myriam Phung on Contra
View Myriam Phung's Portfolio on Contra, the Independent-first, commission-free freelance marketplace shaping the future of work. Hire a freelancer today!
Myriam Phung on Contra
pia alive
pia alive
pia alive studio. Maria Pia Vivo. Designer and Creative Director, specialized in Branding and Art Direction, working remotely worldwide.
pia alive
Okey Studio - A French creative digital studio
Okey Studio - A French creative digital studio
Okey Studio is a creative digital studio focused on the creation of interactive, custom and unique websites, made with a lot of love and a bit of code.
Okey Studio - A French creative digital studio
Artifact - The Digital Product Agency 👋
Artifact - The Digital Product Agency 👋
Tailored digital strategies, user-friendly apps, intuitive Webflow websites, and scalable no-code solutions for your SME's growth.
Artifact - The Digital Product Agency 👋
Studio Matt - Design on demand
Studio Matt - Design on demand
Studio Matt is a design subscription agency. Unlimited design requests at a fixed monthly rate.
Studio Matt - Design on demand
Global Strategic Brand Design - Robot Food
Global Strategic Brand Design - Robot Food
Leeds-based branding agency Robot Food develop brand strategy, identity and brand world for Healist — where science meets nature and removes the barriers to build trust and bring CBD into the mainstream
Global Strategic Brand Design - Robot Food
LDS — Leslie David Studio
LDS — Leslie David Studio
Paris based creative studio crafting imaginative solutions for our clients including visual identity, brand content & art direction.
LDS — Leslie David Studio
Sophia Dansereau
Sophia Dansereau
— Graphic designer and creative problem solver developing design solutions for everyday marketing challenges.
Sophia Dansereau
KUYA / Made Great by the Good
KUYA / Made Great by the Good
Founded on equal parts curiosity, craft, and an unbridled love for everything 
we do — KUYA is a multidisciplinary creative studio specializing in advertising and brand identity.
KUYA / Made Great by the Good
Experience the Magic of Johnyvino's Designs: A Portfolio of Top UI UX Designer
Experience the Magic of Johnyvino's Designs: A Portfolio of Top UI UX Designer
Johnyvino is a designer specialized in creating products, experiences, and interfaces with skills in product design, UX/UI design, interaction, and motion design. He approaches project with a strategic and creative mindset and strives to create designs that are visually appealing and functional.
Experience the Magic of Johnyvino's Designs: A Portfolio of Top UI UX Designer
Estudio de diseño de branding Barcelona - SERENA.STUDIO
Estudio de diseño de branding Barcelona - SERENA.STUDIO
Somos un estudio de diseño creativo especializado en transformar la propuesta de valor de empresas, productos, servicios y personas a través del diseño, el branding, el arte y la comunicación visual.
Estudio de diseño de branding Barcelona - SERENA.STUDIO
The Life - Michele Verze Creative Director Life
The Life - Michele Verze Creative Director Life
I like to think people are at the very centre of the design process, so we can create experiences that helps to connect on a meaningful level and that can add value in people’s lives.
The land of the The Cadigal people, the original Aboriginal inhabitants and custodians of this land.
The Life - Michele Verze Creative Director Life
Jason Reynolds – Digital Designer
Jason Reynolds – Digital Designer
I collaborate with teams around the world, helping shape brands, designing systems, and creating impactful websites and applications.
Jason Reynolds – Digital Designer
Ross Chinni - Product Designer
Ross Chinni - Product Designer
Ross Chinni is a Product Designer that does some consulting, advising, and design for tech start-ups. Based in Austin, Texas.
Ross Chinni - Product Designer