Designer Portfolios

Designer Portfolios

Thomas Quigley's Portfolio ©2023
Thomas Quigley's Portfolio ©2023
For the past 10 years, I've been collaborating with design agencies, small businesses, and in-house design teams. I specialize in digital design, and creative direction, focusing on product, interaction, customer experience, visual design, and design systems.
Thomas Quigley's Portfolio ©2023
Homepage - Bornfight Studio
Homepage - Bornfight Studio
A close-packed team of Bornfight’s specialists focused on design and development.
Homepage - Bornfight Studio
Agu Seguí
Agu Seguí
Art Direction, Visual Design and Creative Development
Agu Seguí
Plenty Plenty Studio
Plenty Plenty Studio
Designing feelings for agencies & brands in four continents.We are creatives and storytellers, who believe that design can change mindsets and create culture.
Plenty Plenty Studio
Omar. Aqil
Omar. Aqil
For Project Inquiries
Omar. Aqil
R/GA - Singapore
R/GA - Singapore
R/GA Singapore works with clients to innovate digital products and communications for brands.
R/GA - Singapore
Alex Naghavi
Alex Naghavi
Persian, Dutch, Australian Brand & Product Designer, living in Los Angeles
Alex Naghavi
Explore is a brand new platform for creatives. A place where you can share your work and meet the community without the distraction of ads or unwanted content.
Marcis Lokis - 3D Designer
Marcis Lokis - 3D Designer
3D designer & co-founder at Explore & Supply.Family. Living in Riga, Latvia.
Marcis Lokis - 3D Designer
Spatzek Studio
Spatzek Studio
Spatzek Studio creates highly functional, unique & award-winning digital products in the most uncomplicated way possible.
Spatzek Studio
Bloco Gráfico
Bloco Gráfico
É um estúdio de design formado por Gabriela Castro, Gustavo Marchetti e Paulo André Chagas. Desenvolve projetos editoriais, expográficos e de identidade visual para clientes como Instituto Moreira Salles, SESC-SC, MASP, Companhia das Letras, Editora Madalena, entre outros. Teve trabalhos premiados nas bienais brasileiras de design gráfico da ADG e selecionados pelo American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA). Ganhou duas vezes o Prêmio Aloisio Magalhães de melhor projeto gráfico de livro da Fundação Biblioteca Nacional (2017 e 2018) e o III Premio Latinoamericano al Diseño Editorial (2018). Em 2019, ganhou o prêmio “Best in Show” do Type Directors Club de Nova York.
Bloco Gráfico