Designer Portfolios
Nikita Lakeev
Nikita Lakeev. Product Designer.
Practice of Matija Gabrilo
Vancouver-based creative consultant, art director, artist, researcher, and designer
Philip Davis
The personal site of Philip Davis
We are equal parts creative agency, engineering firm, and consultancy. Our approach draws the best elements of each to deliver exceptional work.
Kevin Clark
Margarita Romanova | Product Designer
Yuriy Shiryaev
Lead designer and product owner
UX/UI designer
Alex Suprun
Product Designer
Eike Drescher - Product Designer
Always trying to marry the artistic with the useful.
Dmitry Jakovlev. Art Director.
Areas of expertise, cases, social network links, contact information.
Sebo Studio | Think the Design, Design the Thinking
Martin Rariga — Digital Product Designer
Solving the right problems with the best solutions. From vision, all the way to crafted interactions, polished details and delighted customers.
Haley Park
Design, Prototyping, & Stuff
For The People
Branding and strategy is our approach. Design, storytelling and technology are our tools. But creating something For The People is always our goal.
Combo ©
Combo is an independent branding and innovation agency using strategy and design to unlock what’s next.
Doriane Azzouz — French Digital Designer
Doriane is a digital designer with strong skills in UI & UX design and focus on Usability, art direction, illustrations and learning new skills.
Aaron Poe & Co
The online portfolio of Creative Director, Aaron Poe
Outer Studio | Branding Web Design & Development Services
Full-service digital design studio offering innovative branding, web design & development solutions.
We make things and move brands - OKTO
Working in the intersection of brand experience, design and communication, we believe there is more than one way to do things. Think of it as an interdisciplinary approach with a strong digital core, if it helps.
Home - Mike Abbink
Sebastiaan de With
Sebastiaan de With - Human, designer, photographer and motorcyclist.
Isabel Sá — Product & Web Designer
Product and web designer, based in Porto, buliding remotely. Currently building a new era of docs.
Super Clear • Design Studio in London
Alexander Vilinskyy
Designer of useful apps. App development, growth, and revenue.
Plus X Creative Partner
Plus eXperience for your Brand. Brand Experience Marketing & Design Partner
스탬프(stamp)는 분야의 경계를 허물어뜨리며 유기적으로 넘나드는 디자인 회사입니다. 우리는 논리적 사고에 기반한 디자인에 능하며 또한 생명력을 부여하는 기술적 상상력과 수행능력을 갖추고 있습니다. 우리는 서로 다른 영역에 대한 이해를 바탕으로 시너지를 발휘하며, 그 가치를 잘 압니다. 우리는 문제를 분석하고 방법을 제안하며 탐험의 과정을 논리적으로 증명합니다.
Goodkids | Creative & Innovation Agency
Not your typical agency. We are your next set of creative & innovation experts.
Glasfurd & Walker
Building Brand Worlds