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Nicholas Christowitz | Graphic Designer
Nicholas Christowitz | Graphic Designer
Nicholas Christowitz is a graphic designer. He's one half of Http Studio and one third of Father Coffee. Berlin and busy.
Nicholas Christowitz | Graphic Designer
Please come back
Please come back
Sascha Bregenhorn is a full-time freelance designer and developer offering → web design, → web development and → graphic design services.
Please come back
Hello & Goodbye
Hello & Goodbye
hello & goodbye is a small multidisciplinary design studio, based in hamburg, germany. Founded in 2006 by freelancing creative & graphic designer Andreas Haase. With over 2 decades of experience in advertising, brand strategy & visual identity, editorial, packaging design and digital media we are well equipped to deliver beautiful messages to our customers' audiences and to create lovingly crafted, authentic brand experiences.
Hello & Goodbye
Home | BAM
Home | BAM
BAM Communication GmbH
Home | BAM
Hi. Wir sind Becklyn aus Ludwigsburg bei Stuttgart. Wir schaffen digitale Produkte und Experiences. Für Menschen. Mit Design, Technologie & Marketing.
Berlin-based Product Design Studio
Berlin-based Product Design Studio
Niclas Ernst is a Berlin based UX and Product designer who works with early-stage startups to take products from 0 to 1 by design.
Berlin-based Product Design Studio
olivierbrueckner /
olivierbrueckner /
I am a designer and technologist with a passion for physical computing. I want to improve the world with simple yet smart solutions.
olivierbrueckner /
Home — Christoph Labacher
Home — Christoph Labacher
I am an Interaction Designer living and working in Hamburg, Germany. My main interest is making complexity manageable through accessible abstractions. To find out what I am working on take a look at my projects. I also like thinking (and talking) about the expression and development of thoughts and ideas through prototyping, modeling and notation systems; and about good complexity. If you want to chat about any of that, feel free to reach out! Even though I am usually reading more than writing there, the social network I am most active on is Twitter. @chlabacher
Home — Christoph Labacher
Olga Bystrova
Olga Bystrova
Product designer & Manager
Olga Bystrova
Fedor Shkliarau
Fedor Shkliarau
Senior digital product designer based in Berlin, Germany. Available for selected projects from February 2020. Move fast and don't break things.
Fedor Shkliarau
Oleg Stirbu - Senior Product Designer (UX / UI)
Oleg Stirbu - Senior Product Designer (UX / UI)
I'm a product designer based in Düsseldorf, Germany. Crafting apps, web sites and digital products. I love to work on the complete end-to-end design process. Over 7 years of experience.
Oleg Stirbu - Senior Product Designer (UX / UI)
Selected Work – Joshua Söhn
Selected Work – Joshua Söhn
Designer based in Berlin, Germany. My expertise is designing everything from brand identities to apps, prototyping, coding and product management.
Selected Work – Joshua Söhn
German based directing duo, crafting high level 3D moving imagery for clients world wide.
Sonderform - Studio für digitales Design
Sonderform - Studio für digitales Design
Sonderform ist ein Studio für digitales Design. Zu unseren Leistungen zählen User Interface & User Experience, Web & Mobile Design, Branding & Development.
Sonderform - Studio für digitales Design
Studio Lorenz Wöhr
Studio Lorenz Wöhr
Lorenz is a freelance Designer & Creative Director focusing on digital experiences. Based in Munich, Germany.
Studio Lorenz Wöhr
Mario Parra Art
Mario Parra Art
Illustrator & character artist
Mario Parra Art
Crafting enduring apps and websites through intentional design choices.
VINCENT SCHWENK     CREATIVE &  ART DIRECTOR   Is currently living and working in Hamburg. Before moving there, he studied communication...