Health & Fitness

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‎January: Glucose Food Tracker
‎January: Glucose Food Tracker
‎Welcome to January: Glucose Food Tracker – your ultimate companion for managing glucose levels, tracking nutrition, and achieving your health goals. With January, we make it easy to optimize your health without using a blood sugar monitor. Our predictive AI allows you to see the glucose impact of yo…
‎January: Glucose Food Tracker
‎Freeletics: Workouts & Fitness
‎Freeletics: Workouts & Fitness
‎Europe’s #1 fitness app lets you work out anytime, anywhere with the best digital personal trainer - no gym required. Whatever your fitness level, achieve your goals quickly and build healthy habits with personalized HIIT workouts and audio coaching. Losing weight, gaining muscle or improving your f…
‎Freeletics: Workouts & Fitness
‎WillStone: Balance Screen Time
‎WillStone: Balance Screen Time
‎Have you ever felt this way: "I spend too much time on social media, mindlessly scrolling through my phone" "I want to limit my phone usage, but I keep removing the limits after apps get locked" "Why can't I control myself?" "How did it get to 2 AM when I was just browsing for a bit..." WillStone i…
‎WillStone: Balance Screen Time
‎Quit With Jones
‎Quit With Jones
‎Jones is the only quit vaping app that actually understands the highs and lows of quitting. Plus, it’s free. Track your progress, celebrate your milestones, and if you slip up, understand why without needing to restart your journey. Every day is a new opportunity to not vape. It’s about progress, no…
‎Quit With Jones
‎SoulPod: Breathwork Meditation
‎SoulPod: Breathwork Meditation
‎Your life changes when you change your energy.  At its heart, SoulPod is for seekers building and sustaining soulfulness through deeply curated 21-ritual journeys.  This is for those ready to go from dabbling to awakening.  “SoulPod has cultivated the clarity and presence I have been seeking. The…
‎SoulPod: Breathwork Meditation
‎Reveal Club:Sport & Nutrition
‎Reveal Club:Sport & Nutrition
‎Vous cherchez à transformer votre corps durablement ? N’importe quel programme peut vous dire de manger moins et de bouger plus. Reveal Club est différent. Entamez votre transformation physique avec Reveal Club, l’application créée par Bananamo et TheSlowMethod. Ce programme de recomposition corpor…
‎Reveal Club:Sport & Nutrition
‎Hydrow offers more than just a full-body workout – access over 5,000 on-and-off rower workouts led by elite athletes and filmed in stunning locations around the globe. Feature overview: • Track your performance and stay connected to a passionate rowing community: cheer on fellow rowers, form racing…
‎Zette - Fit & Fun with Friends
‎Zette - Fit & Fun with Friends
‎[Super Simple Meal Tracking] - No complicated tracking! Just keep it easy and simple. - Enter your meals and let the AI do the work, calculating your calories and nutrients! - Wondering how awesome your meals were? The AI will give you a friendly score! [A Diet That Appreciates Your Effort] - Did y…
‎Zette - Fit & Fun with Friends
‎인아웃 - 칼로리 계산 & 다이어트 커뮤니티
‎인아웃 - 칼로리 계산 & 다이어트 커뮤니티
‎매일매일 재밌는 다이어트 습관! 인아웃과 함께 꾸준하게 내 몸 상태를 기록하고 건강한 다이어트를 시작해 보세요. 즐거운 다이어트의 시작, 인아웃이 함께합니다. ■ 칼로리 자동 계산! 간편하고 깔끔한 식단 기록 - 오늘 먹은 음식을 식단에 기록해 보세요. 칼로리와 탄단지 섭취량을 자동으로 계산해 드려요 - 식단 사진과 식사 시간을 저장해 나만의 식단 일기를 완성해 보세요 - 나는 요리왕! 직접 만든 요리가 있다면 ‘나만의 레시피’로 등록할 수 있어요 - 자주 먹는 식단이 있다면? 매번 기록할 필요없이 ‘내 식사’로 저…
‎인아웃 - 칼로리 계산 & 다이어트 커뮤니티
‎Nightly: AI Sleep Sounds
‎Nightly: AI Sleep Sounds
‎"Get More Out of Less Sleep" Feeling sleep-deprived? Tune into our Monaural Beats, tailored to your unique sleep needs. Experience deep, rejuvenating rest and unlock your full potential for improved sleep and overall well-being. Nightly is a powerful sleep app backed by neuroscience. Optimize your…
‎Nightly: AI Sleep Sounds
‎Lingo by Abbott
‎Lingo by Abbott
‎What, when, and how you eat has a big impact on your body. It’s all connected. And it’s all influenced by your specific glucose patterns. See for yourself in real-time, with Lingo — the science-backed system designed to power healthy habit change. Glucose is a powerful signal of your body’s unique…
‎Lingo by Abbott
‎With the Tonal mobile app you can be your strongest—from home, on your own schedule. Tonal is the smartest home gym and personal trainer. Unlike traditional dumbbells, barbells, and exercise equipment Tonal uses advanced digital weight that continually adapts workouts so they’re most effective for…
‎NapNap: Sleep Tracker,Sound
‎NapNap: Sleep Tracker,Sound
‎NapNap is a relaxed and stress-relieving sleep calendar that helps you review your sleep and record your current feelings. ◎ If you've had the same experiences as us: - Anxiety and stress take a toll on your body and mind, causing insomnia. - You're tired but can't sleep, and you want something so…
‎NapNap: Sleep Tracker,Sound
‎Meine AOK
‎Meine AOK
‎Ihre Krankenkasse mit der Meine AOK-App immer dabei. Erreichen Sie Ihre AOK schnell, bequem und sicher, von überall und rund um die Uhr. Sparen Sie so Zeit, unnötige Wege und Kosten. Außerdem können Sie mit unserem Bonusprogramm aktiv werden und sich für eine gesunde Lebensweise belohnen lassen.…
‎Meine AOK
‎CanGoGo - Poke Pet Stepper
‎CanGoGo - Poke Pet Stepper
‎An incredibly cute pedometer where every step you take helps you earn cans to feed and befriend adorable animals! Come and collect them all! ■ How to Use After installation, simply carry it in your bag or pocket and you are ready to walk. The app will automatically measure steps, distance, calor…
‎CanGoGo - Poke Pet Stepper
‎OtterLife: AI Health Tracker
‎OtterLife: AI Health Tracker
‎#### App Store Editor's Choice #### App Store Featured Recommendation #### App Store Selected Activities OtterLife is your personalized health management partner! It helps you automatically track over ten types of health data such as sleep, exercise, stress, menstrual cycle, and water intake. It al…
‎OtterLife: AI Health Tracker
‎“link”是每个人心中的曾经存在过的念头,你的每一次目标打卡都是实现念头的累积。link被具象化成一个个攀登者在你的帮助下向着山顶前进。终有一天,你们都会在人生的轨道上寻找到属于自己的旷野。 【Link】 --你的内心是否住着一些小人儿,或是你理想的状态或是你曾经的梦想。“Link”就是具象化的小人儿,连接你的内心和现实,你即是他他即是你。 --习惯养成、达成计划不是一件简单的事,和攀登一样路途曲折遥远,过程有时痛苦又孤独。但在到达顶峰的那一刻,眺望远方、回顾路途,一切都值得。 --Link将陪伴你完成目标,你的每一次打卡都关乎着Link的旅途。坚持打卡、不断攀登,Link终会征服山峰看到…
‎AMood - 你的健康生活好伙伴
‎AMood - 你的健康生活好伙伴
‎欢迎使用 AMood,你的 Apple Watch 上健康生活好伙伴。无感追踪你的心理状态和身体压力,快捷查看睡眠、基础代谢、饮水、咖啡因摄入等健康指标,帮助你掌握身体动态,探索更美好的健康生活。 ◎ AMood如何帮助到你 在这个快节奏的时代,我们常常像陀螺一样不停旋转,却忽视了倾听内心的声音。疲惫与焦虑悄然袭来,却难以言说原因。我们相信,了解身心状态是每个人找到理想生活节奏的关键。AMood 正是秉持这一理念,通过更精准的分析,帮助你更好地照顾自己。例如: - 当你忙于赶项目,连续工作数小时,软件会通过手表提醒你身体活力下降,泡杯热茶,活动一下身体; - 当你开完一整天的会议,…
‎AMood - 你的健康生活好伙伴
Moodji: AI Mood Tracker
Moodji: AI Mood Tracker
Moodji is your healthy lifestyle assistant and your Apple Watch companion. With fun and interactive gameplay, it helps you maintain good habits in "sleep, exercise, and focus." By collecting a variety of emoji stickers, it makes your watch and watch face "attractive, fun, and practical." ▶ Auto-Refresh Every Hour ◀ • Moodji tracks health data (sleep, steps, calories, heart rate, HRV, sunlight exposure, etc.) and screen time. • It uses an "emotion recognition model" to calculate your hourly "mood state," turning data into emojis and texts. • The watch face refreshes hourly, syncing with your current "mood status." • "Raise Your Wrist, Care For Yourself." ▶ Healthy reminders to develop a healthy lifestyle◀ • HRV Stress Reminder. • Sedentary Reminder. • Over Screen Time Reminder. ▶ Complete Daily Habits, Earn Leaves For Stickers ◀ • Adjust sleep, exercise, and phone habits to achieve a positive "mood status" and complete "daily habit" tasks. • Earn leaves to exchange for a variety of emoji stickers, personalizing your Watch face. • "Turn Life Into A Game, Develop Healthy Habits Through Play." ▶ Community Donations And Assistance ◀ • Make friends with leaves; you're not alone on the path to health. • Help others to earn exclusive badges. • "If You Want To Go Fast, Go Alone. If You Want To Go Far, Go Together." ▶ Apple Watch, Small Screen, Big Use ◀ • Optimize watch and phone interaction, allowing status checks and gameplay on Apple Watch. • "Check Status On The Watch, Review On The Phone." 【Product Concept: Emphasize Emotions, Not Data, With Health Companionship】 Moodji's goal is not precise data recording but helping users become self-aware and caring through daily tracking. Acting as a "friend who understands you," it shares joy in good times and offers understanding and reminders in tough times, focusing on emotional value. The more you interact, the better it understands you. 【Product Thinking: Automation, Multi-Dimensional, Dynamic Balance】 • Automatically track data and refresh to ensure you get the latest status with every wrist raise. • Track late-night phone use and integrate it into the sleep module to help you understand and improve your sleep. • Integrate steps and screen time data to understand your activity. If you use your phone too much, get up and walk to maintain balance. No need for manual Pomodoro timers, just focus, and Moodji will record it. User Agreement: Privacy Policy: Moodji strictly adheres to privacy and data security standards. Moodji reads steps and sleep data through Apple's HealthKit API. Your health data is stored locally or backed up to your iCloud.
Moodji: AI Mood Tracker
‎Moodji: AI Mood Tracker
‎Moodji: AI Mood Tracker
‎Moodji is your healthy lifestyle assistant and your Apple Watch companion. With fun and interactive gameplay, it helps you maintain good habits in "sleep, exercise, and focus." By collecting a variety of emoji stickers, it makes your watch and watch face "attractive, fun, and practical." ▶ Auto-Ref…
‎Moodji: AI Mood Tracker
‎此刻心是一款提问引导正念书写的健康日记,帮你情绪管理、缓解焦虑、解压助眠、能量充电、实现目标等。引导你用爱和智慧养育自己,引领自己更快乐、更健康、更强大。 ◎荣获多次App Store推荐: # 首页Today iOS18专题推荐 # 深入了解你的健康专题推荐 # 追踪健康新方式专题推荐 # 本周编辑推荐 ◎什么时候需要此刻心 + 早上不想起,白天没精力,希望成为高能量的人 + 拖延、注意力不集中,期望更专注,更高效 + 压力烦躁、焦虑内耗,希望放松更快乐 + 晚上睡眠不好,希望拥抱好睡眠 + 迷茫或没动力,想真正实现人生目标 + 希望实现自我成长和突破! ◎独特功能 + 1600个正念…
‎Lungy Sleep: Bedtime Breathing
‎Lungy Sleep: Bedtime Breathing
‎Welcome to Lungy: Sleep, the ultimate companion for your nightly wind-down routine. Our app offers a serene escape into relaxation, promoting better sleep through guided breathing exercises tailored to soothe your mind and prepare your body for rest. With Lungy: Sleep, discover the transformative p…
‎Lungy Sleep: Bedtime Breathing
‎Lungy: Breathing Exercises
‎Lungy: Breathing Exercises
‎** App of the Day, June 2024 ** – Apple ** Featured in Mashable, TechCrunch, ItsNiceThat and WePresent ** Feel happier & healthier with Lungy — the breathing app that recognizes and responds to your breath, helping you feel calmer and more relaxed. Developed by doctors, Lungy has been featured in…
‎Lungy: Breathing Exercises
‎Levels - Metabolic Health
‎Levels - Metabolic Health
‎Levels helps you see how food affects your health. Are you fueling correctly? Your metabolic health regulates your energy levels, appetite, sleep, weight, mood, long-term health, and more. Levels helps you optimize these with real-time feedback using data from continuous glucose monitors (CGMs). L…
‎Levels - Metabolic Health
‎Eight Sleep
‎Eight Sleep
‎The Eight Sleep Pod is the intelligent sleep system that gives you up to one hour more of sleep every night. It cools. It heats. It elevates. PERSONALIZED SLEEP WITH AUTOPILOT Autopilot is the intelligence behind the Pod. It adjusts your temperature and elevation to perfect your sleep experience.…
‎Eight Sleep
‎Whistle: Smart Pet Tracker
‎Whistle: Smart Pet Tracker
‎Care for your pet like never before with this companion app for Whistle smart devices, including Whistle Fit™, Whistle GO Explore™, Whistle Switch™, and our new Whistle Health™. Since your pet can’t tell you where they are or how they’re feeling, we created the next best thing—a smart device that…
‎Whistle: Smart Pet Tracker
‎DunDun - Squat Counter
‎DunDun - Squat Counter
‎DunDun is an intelligent squat tracking app specially designed for iPhone, Apple Watch, and AirPods. Using advanced motion sensors, it automatically counts your squats with exceptional accuracy. # Key Features: • Precise automatic squat counting • Real-time voice guidance and rep announcements • Mo…
‎DunDun - Squat Counter
‎Dreamo 入梦 - 科学有趣的入睡引导
‎Dreamo 入梦 - 科学有趣的入睡引导
‎Dreamo,在梦灵的引导下轻松入睡~ - App Store「五月最佳app」 - App Store「本周编辑推荐」 · 科学的助眠音频,跟随引导放松身体和心灵,快速入睡 · 循序渐进,掌握多种放松技巧,面对现代生活中的具体问题: 突然袭来的尴尬回忆、社交网络带来的焦虑、对未来的不安和对自我的怀疑..... · 随着旅程逐步探索、收集,打造自己的专属梦境地 · 邀请好友、装扮自己的梦灵 · 发掘Dreamo的梦境世界背后隐藏的秘密...... · 利用游戏的机制,无需钢铁意志力,也能轻松养成早睡习惯~ · 来自清华大学的开发团队,科学又有趣的助眠引导,帮你快速入睡,轻松养…
‎Dreamo 入梦 - 科学有趣的入睡引导
‎AI Self-Care Chat|NawaCares
‎AI Self-Care Chat|NawaCares
‎CHAT 24/7 ANYWHERE! Get advice, craft plans, shift perspectives, and access life coaching services—all in one place with your personal AI, Nawa! More than just a chatbot, Nawa is a truly trustworthy AI friend, judgment-free and anxiety-free! Simply speak your mind! UNLOCK 3+1 CONVERSATION STYLES!…
‎AI Self-Care Chat|NawaCares
‎B Side - White Noise
‎B Side - White Noise
‎- Vintage White Noise Cassette Player - 8 high-quality audio tracks - Dark mode for better use at night - Unique exclusive membership cassette case
‎B Side - White Noise