Ukraine 💙💛

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Yevhen Yurchuk
Yevhen Yurchuk
I design interfaces and everything related to them.
Yevhen Yurchuk
Stas Bondar — Multidisciplinary freelancer
Stas Bondar — Multidisciplinary freelancer
An award-winning multidisciplinary freelancer that is competent in solving tasks of any level: from designing a unique design concept to creating advanced animation. Each task is approached with meticulous attention to detail while striving to see creativity and beauty in each of them
Stas Bondar — Multidisciplinary freelancer
Hexagon Agency
Hexagon Agency
Hexagon is your swiss-knife partner for digital
Hexagon Agency
Andreas Smolyarson | Experienced UX/UI Designer and Webflow Developer
Andreas Smolyarson | Experienced UX/UI Designer and Webflow Developer
Experienced Webflow UX/UI Designer Andreas Smolyarson creating engaging and intuitive digital experiences websites. Expertise in crafting user-centered designs, optimizing conversions, and delivering seamless interactions. Let's collaborate to transform your vision into a captivating and functional website.
Andreas Smolyarson | Experienced UX/UI Designer and Webflow Developer
Viktoria Savchuk - Illustrator Designer
Viktoria Savchuk - Illustrator Designer
As an Illustrator designer, I bring your ideas to life with stunning graphics and illustrations that capture your brand's essence. With years of experience in the industry, I specialize in creating visually appealing designs that communicate your message effectively. From logos and branding to editorial design and packaging, I work closely with clients to ensure their vision is realized in every project. Let's work together to make your brand stand out in today's competitive market.
Viktoria Savchuk - Illustrator Designer
Design studio from Kyiv. We focus on conceptual ideas, experimental visuals, identities, logos, illustrations, design-systems, education, research, memes, art direction, becoming better humans, guidelines, packaging, philosophical kitchen talks and book covers. Founded by Vika Moskofidi and Danya Nesterevych.
Hello, I’m the Senior Principle Designer, Years of experience in product design, mentorship, culture, process building, Managing small teams, and building cooperation between multidisciplinary teams. Graphic design as a bonus. I am passionate about technology, sci-fi, retro anime, and surfing near my home in Bali. If you have any questions or would like to get in touch, please feel free to contact me.
Агенція Wandry
Агенція Wandry
Агенція, що допомагає знайти шляхи розвитку бізнесу через дизайн бренду та веб-розробку
Агенція Wandry
Vakarenko Anastasia — UX/UI designer
Vakarenko Anastasia — UX/UI designer
I create modern unique responsive websites that combine business goals and usability. You will get a website that meets the needs of your clients, reflects your brand and its values. Order a website and take your online presence to the next level.
Vakarenko Anastasia — UX/UI designer
Deft | My Digital Journey
Deft | My Digital Journey
A collection of Digital stories from my path as a digital designer.
Deft | My Digital Journey
Влад Гармаш – Дизайнер складних інтерфейсів
Влад Гармаш – Дизайнер складних інтерфейсів
Привіт! Я спеціалізуюсь на дизайні складних інтерфейсів. Роблю все можливе, щоб користувачі отримували задоволення і згадували ваш продукт незлим тихим словом.
Влад Гармаш – Дизайнер складних інтерфейсів
Co.lab — це багатопрофільний дизайн-сервіс маркетингових послуг.
Сьогодні з нами
Brandforma – Professional Logo Design Agency
Brandforma – Professional Logo Design Agency
Brandforma is a professional logo design agency that creates unique and professional logos to elevate its clients' brand identity. Their custom logo design process reflects their philosophy that a strong logo is the foundation of a successful brand. They use the latest design tools and techniques to create visually stunning logos that effectively communicate their client's message.
Brandforma – Professional Logo Design Agency
oooooooze — design firm
oooooooze — design firm
we are an innovation experience strategy design firm
oooooooze — design firm
Supernova – консалтингова агенція, що допомагає бізнесу зростати
Supernova – консалтингова агенція, що допомагає бізнесу зростати
Ми допомагаємо малому та середньому бізнесу знаходити точки зросту, вирішувати бізнес-завдання будь-якої складності і збільшувати продажі попри війну.
Supernova – консалтингова агенція, що допомагає бізнесу зростати
Офіс міських проєктів
Цифрова агенція, що створює дизайни, які допомагають бізнесам краще продавати та комунікувати. Ми створюємо вебсайти, мобільні застосунки, дизайн айдентики бренду, маркетингову графіку та анімацію.
Habitat - Creative Company
Habitat - Creative Company
Bring a seed and Habitat will create a park. We are here to solve your business challenges with web, product, brand, and graphic design.
Habitat - Creative Company
Oleh Idolov – Designer at Awesomic
Oleh Idolov – Designer at Awesomic
I create brand identities, presentations and landing pages for future unicorns 🦄
Oleh Idolov – Designer at Awesomic
Logolivery – The #1 Logo Delivery Platform!
Logolivery – The #1 Logo Delivery Platform!
Get the top-rated logo design service and a no-code design subscription for agencies, startups, and entrepreneurs. Start matching with your designer, check our website!
Logolivery – The #1 Logo Delivery Platform!