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Astrologia médica segundo ponto vista tradicional
Os astros e o amor
Os astros e o amor
Os Astros e o Amor é um guia astrológico completo sobre a vida, o amor e os relacionamentos. Liz Greene traz informações inesperadas e surpreendentes de como interpretar sua "assinatura" astrológica. Você também terá contato com as estruturas sutis e complexas que formam sua personalidade, o papel representado pelo Ascendente e os mitos relacionados aos signos, adquirindo, assim, um panorama abrangente sobre os aspectos ligados à sombra e às personalidades que ilustram o seu comportamento. Liz Greene mostra também como descobrir por que alguns traços de caráter das pessoas parecem se opor aos do signo sob o qual nasceram. Um livro de referência, escrito por uma das maiores astrólogas e analistas junguianas de todos os tempos, que utiliza a astrologia moderna como ferramenta para lidarmos melhor com nossos relacionamentos e com nós mesmos
Os astros e o amor
O namorado da fada ou o menino de Urano
O namorado da fada ou o menino de Urano
No seu livro O Menino da Lua, Ziraldo criou uma turma de mais nove meninos, habitantes de cada um dos planetas. E pretende, em novos livros, contar a história de cada um deles sem, contudo, obedecer à velha ordem dos planetas do Sistema Solar. No ano passado, A Menina das Estrelas interrompeu a série no seu começo, e aqui está o primeiro menino interplanetário a se apresentar para reiniciá-la: O Menino de Urano. Sua história, contada aqui, parecerá, à primeira vista, uma história antiga, porque é um conto de fadas. Acontece que ele aconteceu – ou acontecerará – daqui a 300 mil anos. Na esperança de que, no futuro, "a nossa imaginação sobreviva".
O namorado da fada ou o menino de Urano
Astrologia - Volume IV
Astrologia - Volume IV
IV. Os Signos Zodiacais 1. Os Signos e seus Símbolos 2. Diferença entre Casas e Signos 3. Classificação dos Signos 4. Outras Classificações 5. Características dos Signos
Astrologia - Volume IV
Astrologia - Volume I
Astrologia - Volume I
I. Histórico 1. Origem da Astrologia 2. A Astrologia na Mesopotâmia 3. A Astrologia no Egito 4. A Astrologia na Grécia 5. A Astrologia na Idade Média 6. A Astrologia na Idade Moderna
Astrologia - Volume I
Astrologia - Volume V
Astrologia - Volume V
V. Uma discussão prática - análise dos mapas astrológicos de Ayrton Senna e Chico Xavier Este áudio-curso em 5 aulas tem com o objetivo apresentar as bases e fundamentos da Astrologia.
Astrologia - Volume V
Astrologia - Volume II
Astrologia - Volume II
II. Aplicações da AstrologiaII. Aplicações da Astrologia 1. Ramos da Astrologia
Astrologia - Volume II
Astrologia - Volume III
Astrologia - Volume III
III. Zodíaco e o Mapa Astrológico 1. o Zodíaco . 2. Signos e Constelações 3. Sistema Heliocêntrico e Sistema Geocêntrico 4. Sistema Solar 5. Mapa Astrológico
Astrologia - Volume III
"What's Your Raashee?", A Romantic Comedy Based on Astrology
"What's Your Raashee?", A Romantic Comedy Based on Astrology
Ever wanted to see a romantic comedy that involves astrology as one of its main plot devices?  If so, then you are in luck! A new movie came out in India a few months ago called ...
"What's Your Raashee?", A Romantic Comedy Based on Astrology
The Hellenistic Astrology Website
The Hellenistic Astrology Website
Promoting the study of the history, philosophy and techniques of Hellenistic astrology, with articles, bios on ancient astrologers and online courses.
The Hellenistic Astrology Website
New Website for Hellenistic Astrology Launched at
New Website for Hellenistic Astrology Launched at
Last week I noticed that the domain was open so I decided to buy it before some other domain name headhunters did, and so one thing led to another and I ended up launching ...
New Website for Hellenistic Astrology Launched at
Astrologers No Longer Welcome in Philadelphia
Astrologers No Longer Welcome in Philadelphia
The news has been going around the astrological community for the past few days that the city of Philadelphia has started cracking down on “fortune tellers” in the city and closing down shops that are ...
Astrologers No Longer Welcome in Philadelphia
CNN Mocks Astrologer
CNN Mocks Astrologer
I’ve been getting the vibe over the past few months that CNN isn’t very keen on astrology. It has almost become a regular occurrence at this point that every few months there will be ...
CNN Mocks Astrologer
Tracking the Popularity of Astrology Around the World
Tracking the Popularity of Astrology Around the World
Using Google Trends in order to track the popularity of astrology around the world, along with lists of the top 10 cities, states and countries for astrology.
Tracking the Popularity of Astrology Around the World
31 Percent of Americans "Believe" in Astrology
31 Percent of Americans "Believe" in Astrology
A recent poll shows that 31 percent of Americans believe in astrology, although it is not clear whether or not astrology itself constitutes a belief system.
31 Percent of Americans "Believe" in Astrology
Vettius Valens
Vettius Valens
Vettius Valens was a Roman astrologer who was conceived on May 13, 119 CE, and born on February 8, 120 in the city of Antioch, which is now modern day Antakya, Turkey.  Today Valens is ...
Vettius Valens
Robert Schmidt on Hellenistic Astrology - part 1
Robert Schmidt on Hellenistic Astrology - part 1
Robert Schmidt of Project Hindsight talks about the history and origins of Hellenistic astrology in a 10 minute video clip recorded in 2006.
Robert Schmidt on Hellenistic Astrology - part 1
10 Questions About Astrology from a Skeptic
10 Questions About Astrology from a Skeptic
10 common questions about astrology from skeptics answered from an astrological perspective by a practicing astrologer.
10 Questions About Astrology from a Skeptic
10 Tips For Learning Astrology
10 Tips For Learning Astrology
Ten steps that students can take in order to learn astrology, including different resources that can help to speed up the process of becoming an astrologer.
10 Tips For Learning Astrology
Top 10 Astrologers of All Time
Top 10 Astrologers of All Time
A list of the top 10 most famous and most influential astrologers in history.
Top 10 Astrologers of All Time
The Thema Mundi
The Thema Mundi
The Thema Mundi is the mythical birth chart for the beginning of the world that was used as a teaching tool in Hellenistic astrology.
The Thema Mundi
Astrologia Tradicional
Astrologia Tradicional
Mais astrologia, menos new age
Astrologia Tradicional
Chris Brennan is a professional astrologer from Denver, Colorado, USA. He was educated at Kepler College, where he focused on cross-cultural comparisons between the astrological traditions.