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ISAR | International Society for Astrological Research
The International Society for Astrological Research (ISAR) is dedicated to promote and encourage responsible astrological studies and research, to establish high standards of competence for the astrological profession, to provide a forum for reporting the results of current research in the field, and to the exchange of ideas and information among astrologers world wide.
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Holen Sie ihr persönliches Tageshoroskop und kostenlose Horoskope für Liebe, Partnerschaft, Persönlichkeit, Kinder und mehr! Astrodienst AG bietet Ihnen das umfangreichste Astrologie-Angebot im Web, mit vielen kostenlosen Horoskop-Deutungen, professionellen Horoskopdeutungen von Liz Greene und Robert Hand sowie ausführliche Informationen über Astrologie. Weiter finden sie ein grosses Astro-Forum, das Astro-Wiki und vieles mehr. - die erste Adresse für seriöse Astrologie!
The Centre For Psychological Astrology
The world-renowned Centre for Psychological Astrology founded by Liz Greene. Learn astrology at the CPA, attend seminars and browse the CPA astrology books
Instagram post by Escola de Ciências Holísticas
A vida é um equilíbrio entre escolhas e consequências. Para se tornar uma pessoa equilibrada e produtiva, você deve estar no controle de todas as suas escolhas. Suas decisões devem ser coerentes com a sua visão estratégica de vida. Por isso, dedique-se ao que realmente importa e utilize ao máximo todos os seus talentos. Descubra qual seu propósito, o que faz sentido para você, o que traz significado à sua vida e então, mova seus esforços e vibrações em prol disso. #vidadeproposito #harmonia #equilibrio #motivacao #proposito #autoconhecimento #amoraoquefaz #cienciasholisticas
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PREVISÃO 2017: ANO DE SATURNO E 36 ANOS DE REGÊNCIA - Encontros Astrológicos - YouTube
Olá, pessoal❣ Vamos bater papo? Aqui está o vídeo falando sobre a Regência de Saturno para o ano de 2017 e também falo um pouco sobre o Grande Ciclo de 36 an...
SOL em VIRGEM 2017 | Seja BEM-VINDO signo de VIRGEM - PARABÉNS VIRGINIANOS - Encontros Astrológicos - YouTube
E o Sol entrou no signo de Virgem. Seja bem-vindo!!! ;D Ah, Virgem! Quanta injustiça sofre este signo por ser tão mal compreendido. Este signo é o fechame...
MERCÚRIO RETRÓGRADO | O QUE É e como LIDAR - Encontros Astrológicos
Olá, pessoal❣ Aqui está um vídeo sobre Mercúrio que postei ano passado e estou repostando porque a grande parte do vídeo eu falo sobre significado dessa retr...
SATURNO DIRETO | e seu PERÍODO DE SOMBRA até 01 de Dezembro 2017 #CeudoMomento
Olá, pessoal❣ Aqui está o vídeo falando sobre Saturno Direto e sobre o significado dos graus de sombra que ele irá passar até o dia 01 de Dezembro 2017. Sim....
The Top 50 Facts You Need To Know About The Eclipse
Are you ready for Monday?
The Solar Eclipse On August 21 Will Change Everything
"These lunar events, which always take place during a new moon (solar eclipse) or a full moon (lunar eclipse) shake up the status quo and reveal things that are obscured from our view."
Your Weekly Horoscope Is Here: What’s In The Stars For You?
Get ready for action! Just as the magic of an eclipse lasts for a brief window of time, the opportunities it delivers can also be fleeting if we don't carpe diem.
7 Spiritual Practices That Will Take Monday’s Eclipse Up A Notch
How often do we take time to connect with the phenomenal natural world we inhabit?
Amazing Sights You Can Only See During a Solar Eclipse
Towering flares and daytime planets are among the unique sky shows in store for people in the path of totality.
With interest rapidly building for the upcoming total solar eclipse in the USA on 2017 August 21, I became curious about the rarity of total eclipses in America. The very first total eclipse I witn…
Total Solar Eclipse: Facts you NEED to'll have to wait 75 years for another one
THIS WEEK the UK will witness its first total eclipse in over a decade.
Missed the solar eclipse? Here are the next 10
While they're rare in any one place, total solar eclipses happen around the world every few years. Here are the next 10 happening here on Planet Earth.
The Solar Eclipse On August 21 Will Change Everything
"These lunar events, which always take place during a new moon (solar eclipse) or a full moon (lunar eclipse) shake up the status quo and reveal things that are obscured from our view."
The Top 50 Facts You Need To Know About The Eclipse
Are you ready for Monday?
Two Eclipses, and 6 More Can't-Miss Sky Events in August
A lunar eclipse and a meteor shower join a highly anticipated solar eclipse in a month packed with amazing sky shows.
Two Eclipses, and 6 More Can't-Miss Sky Events in August
A lunar eclipse and a meteor shower join a highly anticipated solar eclipse in a month packed with amazing sky shows.
Map of How to Watch the 2017 Solar Eclipse | National Geographic
Wherever you are in the U.S., here’s your best shot at viewing the solar eclipse on August 21.
Solar eclipse 2017: best images, video and funny reaction as US witnesses incredible spectacle
Millions of Americans armed with protective glasses have marvelled at the first total solar eclipse to unfold from coast to coast in the US in nearly a century.
Moon trolls sun on Twitter in solar eclipse cyber spat
As if a solar eclipse was not enough, the moon threw some virtual shade at the sun on Twitter on Monday, as millions of people watched the first coast-to-coast total eclipse in the United States in nearly a century.