Mara Mourão, director of movie "Quem se Importa" (Who cares) talks about her movie on social entrepreneurship. TEDxJardins - Sao Paulo, Brazil -- October 4th...
Criando Comunidades Criativas e Colaborativas | Lala Deheinzelin | TEDxJardinsSalon
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Lala Deheinzelin believes that a future with more collaboration and...
Intentional Communities — 50% Less Hippie Than You'd Expect | Bianca Heyming | TEDxCardiffbytheSea
Founder and resident of an Intentional Community, Bianca Heyming shares how living with many people is not simply "Bliss, Love, and Light," but in addition a...
Rachel Botsman: The currency of the new economy is trust
There's been an explosion of collaborative consumption -- web-powered sharing of cars, apartments, skills. Rachel Botsman explores the currency that makes systems like Airbnb and Taskrabbit work: trust, influence, and what she calls "reputation capital."