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Colabs, Coletivos e Comunidades
Collaboration is now the key to efficient dispute resolution
Greater emphasis on collaboration between in-house and external lawyers, and between disputing parties, will lead the way for efficient resolution of commercial disputes.
Outlook for the Sharing Economy in the UK 2016
How the UK has embraced the sharing economy.
Realigning Business, Economies and Society
Today’s economic and political upheavals reflect an ongoing misalignment between businesses and economies on the one hand, and acceptable societal outcomes on the other. Too many people feel they are being left behind by a system unfairly stacked against them.
Setting your direction in the circular economy
Setting your direction in the circular economy: Sustainability and climate change.
Share economy report 2017
Going circular
For decades, global consumption has been built on a ‘take-make-dispose’ model. Find out how we're adopting a different, 'circular’ approach.
Leading the transition to the circular economy
All businesses need to adapt to this move to circular solutions, and PwC is leading the way.
MAP é o 1° Primeiro coworking em Canoas.
Empresa focada em oferecer tranquilidade e bons serviços aos clientes. Para que eles possam focar 100% no seu trabalho.
Coworking para founders: como iniciar um coworking?
Cada vez mais pessoas procuram informações de como iniciar um coworking, e este artigo de criação do Fernando veio justamente para falar sobre esse assunto.
Car Sharing, le opinioni in rete degli italiani
ROMA Un fenomeno tanto veloce quanto rivoluzionario sta cambiando la concezione di "movimento". Un fenomeno che fa parlare con oltre 106 mila discussioni sul web e con un cinguettio di oltre 89mila tweet per mezzo miliardo di potenziali visualizzazioni. Uber, BlaBlaCar, Car2go, Enjoy LetzGo, Mytaxi, Twist e Share'ngo risultano il principale "fenomeno" di mobilità condivisa e sostenibile negli ultimi anni.
Sustainable Community: A Cohousing Book
A new book about cohousing and sustainable communities has been published by Graham Meltzer. It is based on a ten year study of cohousing — a popular new type of planned residential community that addresses environmental and social needs. The book
Communal housing is coming of age
Suzanne Marriott's brave drive into the future started with a traffic jam, which gave her a lot of time to think about what she was getting herself into -- and out of.Newly widowed and recently...
Cohousing for Aging Boomers
Cohousing has been around North America for a few years, imported from Denmark by visionary architects Charles Durrett and Kathryn McCamant; there are now about 100 multi-generational cohousing communities in the United States. At the same time, we
Cohousing for Gen X and Y
TreeHugger loves cohousing, "a way for a group of people to work together to develop places to live that offer both privacy and community" and thought it particularly appropriate for aging boomers.
Home - UK Cohousing Network
Copper Lane review – an appealing, harmonious, cost-effective model for communal living
London's first co-housing project strikes an elegant balance between communal living and leafy seclusion, writes Rowan Moore
The sharing economy comes home in Cohousing
Copper Lane, a cohousing project in London, shows how design by committee doesn't have to look like a camel.
Cooperation in housing and living
Have you heard of coliving and cohousing? These concepts were part of the presentations at OuiShareFest’s latest edition, from May 4th to May 7th, 2014, in Paris. What is coliving? Coliving i…
Cohousing: The real sharing economy at its best, and a great example in Berlin
This is a housing form that we should be building a lot more of.
Lo sharing per Jeremiah Owyang? Un must per la sopravvivenza delle aziende
Jeremiah Owyang ci parla di Sharing Economy come strumento fondamentale per la sopravvivenza delle aziende.
Baby boomers will drive the sharing economy into the mainstream
The generation’s defining characteristic is not that they are cutting-edge or cool – but that they are broke
The New Rules of the Collaborative Economy Webinar
Join Jeremiah Owyang, a leading authority on the collaborative economy for fresh perspective on the disruptive effect of peer-to-peer businesses.
Mapeamento de Ecovilas para conhecer [Viver em Comunidade 2/4]
Gestão horizontal e Inovação: ecovilas são tema de palestra na Campus Party Bahia 2017
Criação Colaborativa de Projetos: Curso de Introdução ao Dragon Dreaming em Florianópolis
Dica de app: Tradr é o Tinder para quem quer trocar, vender ou comprar produtos - Apps
Está cansado de algum objeto que tem em casa? O Tradr pode ajudar você a encontrar um destino para ele. App desenvolvido pela estudante brasileira Jéssica Behrens está disponível para iPhone e versão para Android está a caminho.