Mental health quote hp 50 1
Kat selwyn layton end the stigma 6
Test Yourself - Mindfulness at Work
How is your state of mind? How do you really feel about yourself/see yourself? Are you self aware? Find out how your state of Mind is… Becoming more conscious of our ‘state of mind’ helps us see our automatic reactions and negative patterns and affords us choices
STRESS – Tips for Reducing Stress using Mindfulness - Mindfulness at Work
I think (hope!) during the next decade or two, that stress will become as socially unacceptable as smoking became in the last. Right now, everyone is doing it (like everyone used to smoke) and seem oblivious to the dangers caused to their health. Yet, make no mistake
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Institute for academic development making mistakes and getting things wrong
Campanha Janeiro Branco chega a sua 5ª edição e ganha todo o país
Campanha pretende mobilizar sociedade em favor da Saúde Mental com ações que serão realizadas em várias cidades do país ao longo do mês de Janeiro.