Morte de homem negro agredido em supermercado de Porto Alegre provoca revolta nas redes
Filipe VidonNo Dia Nacional da Consciência Negra, usuários das redes sociais acordaram revoltados com a notícia de que João Alberto Silveira Freitas, de 40 anos, foi foi agredido e espancado até a...
Racialismo – Frei David, o amostrado da Educafro, quer obrigar um estilista e um cabeleireiro, que ele reconhece inocentes, a se desculpar em seu tribunal particular. Vai ler a Bíblia, frei! Nunca é tarde! | Reinaldo Azevedo
Frei David, presidente da ONG Educafro (Educação e Cidadania de Afro-descendentes e Carentes), é um notório criador de caso. Também é um tanto amostrado. Já tive a chance de debater com ele na Associação Comercial de São Paulo. Fiquei, como perceberam então os presentes, vivamente impressionado com o sua relação, com o direi?, muito pouco […]
Murder suspect Abner Aquilina had history of online sexual harassment
Abner Aquilina, the main suspect in a gruesome Sliema murder, had a history of online sexual harassment, according to at least three young woman, who spoke to Times of Malta. As details of the killing of 29-year-old Paulina Dembska emerge, the shocked women began to share text messages they claim...
Sliema murder suspect claimed 'devil spoke to him' on night of killing
Police had to stop interrogating their lead suspect in a Sliema murder case after he claimed the devil had been manipulating his thoughts. Abner George Aquilina, the lead suspect in the investigation into the murder of 29-year-old Paulina Dembska, told police on Monday that he was “doing God’s...
'Pray for our daughter', family of Sliema murder victim ask hundreds at vigil
Updated at 7. 30pm with Dimitrijevic comments. The family of Sliema murder victim Paulina Dembska remotely joined a vigil attended by hundreds in Sliema on Tuesday night. The family joined via a WhatsApp call as womens’ rights activists read out a message from Paulina’s mother expressing her...
The price of poverty – Anna Marie Galea
A few weeks ago, my mum asked me to go up the road to get a few items for her, literally the same five or six basic items that every household in Malta will inevitably have. She gave me around €35 and told me to keep the change: by the time I had left the shop, I did not only have no change to...
20 years of TAC advertising, Everybody Hurts
On December 10th 1989 the first TAC commercial went to air. In that year there were 776 deaths on our roads, by 2008 that number had fallen to 303.
This five minute retrospective of road safety campaigns is a compilation of 20 year of TAC ads. The montage features iconic scenes and images from commercials that have helped change the way we drive, to the song Everybody Hurts by REM.
This TAC campaign is a chance to revisit some of the images that have been engraved on our memories, remember the many thousands of people who have been affected by road trauma and remind us all that for everyone's sake; please, drive safely.
There's no one someone won't miss.
Towards Zero is a TAC vision for a future free of deaths and serious injuries on our roads.
It acknowledges that as humans, we make mistakes. But when those mistakes happen on our roads we come off second best, because our bodies aren't designed to absorb high impact speeds. They never have been and never will be.
For more information on Toward Zero visit -
Transport Accident Commission Victoria. -
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Watch: Nagorno-Karabakh – Childhood in a war zone (ARTE Reportage)
Filmed between January and November 2020, the report follows the lives of two boys from Talish, a mountain village. They’d already been bombed in 2016 and lived through four years in exile. The children and their families had just moved back to the village in new homes.
Watch: Britain – Poor children, rich country (ARTE)
Britain is one of the world’s richest countries. And yet over four million children live in poverty in the UK with their parents struggling to provide food and shelter for them. A situation that has got worse over the last five years.
Record number of journalists jailed in 2021: CPJ
The number of journalists jailed around the world hit a new record in 2021, the New York-based Committee to Protect Journalists said Thursday, with China and Myanmar having put a quarter of the 293 media workers behind bars. In its annual report, the CPJ listed 50 journalists imprisoned in...
Por que a Suécia se tornou o país com mais mortes por arma de fogo na Europa
Na década de 1990, a Suécia era uma das nações mais seguras da Europa, com uma qualidade de vida invejável e índices de criminalidade extremamente baixos.
Hoje, se tornou a capital continental do tiroteio.
Segundo dados oficiais, o país escandinavo registrou 366 incidentes com armas de fogo em 2020, que resultaram em 47 mortes.
E o número de tiroteios não para de aumentar desde os anos 2000, segundo relatório do Conselho Nacional Sueco de Prevenção ao Crime (BRA, na sigla em sueco).
Neste vídeo, Malu Cursino explica o que está por trás dessa crise de segurança no país escandivavo.
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Consumo de pé de galinha e outros 5 dados que revelam retrato da fome no Brasil
Primeiro, foi a fila quilométrica em um açougue de Cuiabá, no Mato Grosso — maior Estado produtor e exportador de carne bovina do país —, para receber ossos.
Depois, cariocas garimpando restos em um caminhão de ossos e pelancas descartadas por supermercados.
E assim, dia após dia, as imagens da fome vão voltando ao noticiário nacional.
Neste vídeo, nossa repórter Thais Carrança apresenta seis dados e explica por que eles revelam como a fome assola, e cada vez mais, nosso país.
Entre eles, estão a alta no número de crianças com anemia, a redução no consumo de carne vermelha e o aumento no uso de alimentos como macarrão instantâneo e pés de galinha.
Confira no vídeo.
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#BBCNewsBrasil #Fome #Economia
Watch: ‘I was raped 15 months ago. I have yet to be questioned by police’
A woman who was brutally raped for almost an hour as her two daughters listened on, has been waiting for 15 long months to tell the authorities her story. Despite the presence of witnesses, and photos of the injuries, corroborated by a hospital report, Maria* cannot understand why she has not...