Economia Sustentável

Economia Sustentável

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Over 400 Tyres Removed From St George's Bay With Many More Still Polluting Seabed
Over 400 Tyres Removed From St George's Bay With Many More Still Polluting Seabed
Over 400 tyres were removed from St George’s Bay in the span of a single month, with many more still polluting the seabed. Local adventurer and environmentalist Raniero Borg took to his popular social media channel to highlight the sheer amount of tyres polluting the bay. “With the help of many volunteer divers, we were … Continued
Over 400 Tyres Removed From St George's Bay With Many More Still Polluting Seabed
O CicloVivo é um site de notícias especializado em temas relacionados à sustentabilidade. O nosso ideal é transmitir a informação de um jeito simples e prazeroso.
Horta organica o que e e quais os beneficios
Horta organica o que e e quais os beneficios
Já pensou em ter uma horta orgânica em casa? Isso é possivel sim e nós te provamos. Saiba mais sobre o assunto e quais os benefícios do cultivo orgânico.
Horta organica o que e e quais os beneficios
EcoWater- Reverse Osmosis for Domestic and Commercial Use
EcoWater- Reverse Osmosis for Domestic and Commercial Use
Ecosoft offers a standard domestic 5 stage reverse osmosis system which is easily installed under any kitchen sink and can also be connected to a refrigerator or a water dispenser for purified water.
EcoWater- Reverse Osmosis for Domestic and Commercial Use
Greenwashing the economy
Greenwashing the economy
Despite fine-sounding declarations, Malta is not moving along the path of sustainability. Nor is there a credible strategy from the government or opposition benches to get us there. When it comes to sustainability, it is difficult for scientists and environmentalists, on one hand, and...
Greenwashing the economy
Protecting our green spaces – Alfred Baldacchino
Protecting our green spaces – Alfred Baldacchino
There was some good news on World Environment Day 2020. Three new important ecological areas were designated by the ministry for the environment as new EU Natura 2000 sites. These are: Tal-Wej, an open green space between the towns of Naxxar and Mosta; Ħas-Saptan, limits of Birżebbuġa; and Wied...
Protecting our green spaces – Alfred Baldacchino
Malta, where art and garbage are interlinked – Victor Calleja
Malta, where art and garbage are interlinked – Victor Calleja
Life in Malta now and throughout history has always been rather more relaxed than in most of the world. The idea of being disruptive, of fighting convention, is strangely lacking. Even in 1968, when youths all over the world were rebelling, here all was quiet, all went on as normal. The fire of...
Malta, where art and garbage are interlinked – Victor Calleja
The start to a green revolution – Cyrus Engerer and Stephanie Fabri
The start to a green revolution – Cyrus Engerer and Stephanie Fabri
As the world struggles with COVID-19, the challenges of climate change and wider environmental problems loom large. It is clear that the economic response to the impact of COVID-19 must benefit the environment while plans to address climate change and environmental issues must benefit the economy...
The start to a green revolution – Cyrus Engerer and Stephanie Fabri
Playing dice with food security
Playing dice with food security
Food security is of critical importance for Malta as an insular country. The UN defines food security to mean the physical, social and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food for an active and healthy life. An estimated 690 million people around the world suffer hunger and spend...
Playing dice with food security
Achieving sustainable farming – Stefan Zrinzo Azzopardi
Achieving sustainable farming – Stefan Zrinzo Azzopardi
Resilient in the face of tough climatic weather conditions and fierce competition from abroad, the local farming industry is a core component of our identity as a southern European nation as much as it is significant to our very subsistence. It is a sensitive sector on which the livelihood of...
Achieving sustainable farming – Stefan Zrinzo Azzopardi
Financing the transition to a climate-neutral economy
Financing the transition to a climate-neutral economy
Reaching a political agreement for the EU’s seven-year funding programme in December was no small feat. It was however eclipsed by events. The cliff- hanger Brexit agreement on Christmas Eve together with the daily ups and downs of the COVID-19 pandemic have relegated the €1.8 trillion fund,...
Financing the transition to a climate-neutral economy
Terry Patten
Terry Patten
Author. Teacher. (R)evolutionary | Co-creating a New Republic of the Heart. Claim Your Citizenship now.
Terry Patten
How we make your banking sustainable | Tomorrow
How we make your banking sustainable | Tomorrow
We create the future of banking – transparent, digital, sustainable. Together we finance future-proof projects and offset tonnes of CO₂.
How we make your banking sustainable | Tomorrow
Treehugger is the only modern sustainability site that offers advice, clarity, and inspiration for both the eco-savvy and the green living novice.
Home - GreenFest
Home - GreenFest
GreenFEST è un progetto cofinanziato dal programma comunitario LIFE e mira a diffondere le buone pratiche esistenti in Italia di Green Public Procurement per l’adozione di Criteri Ambientali Minimi nel settore delle attività culturali finanziate, promosse o gestite da Soggetti Pubblici
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