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Educação Livre

Design thinking
Design thinking
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Design thinking
I N F O' D S G N
I N F O' D S G N
Infográfico: O que mais inspira e frustra os criativos
I N F O' D S G N
Infográfico mostra que 60% dos criativos nao têm tempo para trabalhar suas ideias (!) - Blue Bus
The complete guide to not going to college
The complete guide to not going to college
The biggest mistake you can make is believing that education is inherently tied to classrooms, rigid chairs, and standardized exams.
The complete guide to not going to college
Design Ativista
Design Ativista
Cartaz do meu blog com frase da Cora Coralina.
Design Ativista
10 estratégias para melhorar a memória e otimizar os estudos
10 estratégias para melhorar a memória e otimizar os estudos
Melhorar a memória é o desejo de muitas pessoas. Se esse é um dos seus objetivos, conheça neste texto algumas estratégias para otimizar a sua.
10 estratégias para melhorar a memória e otimizar os estudos
Yes Progressive - Acceleration In Creativity - - Kindle edition by Masaaki Hasegawa. Self-Help Kindle eBooks @
Yes Progressive - Acceleration In Creativity - - Kindle edition by Masaaki Hasegawa. Self-Help Kindle eBooks @
Yes Progressive - Acceleration In Creativity - - Kindle edition by Masaaki Hasegawa. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Yes Progressive - Acceleration In Creativity -.
Yes Progressive - Acceleration In Creativity - - Kindle edition by Masaaki Hasegawa. Self-Help Kindle eBooks @
Demystifying the Muse: Five Creativity Myths You Should Stop Believing
Demystifying the Muse: Five Creativity Myths You Should Stop Believing
With creativity becoming a commodity that so many people trade on, it's more important than ever to have ideas constantly flowing. But are these creative careers only available to the gifted few? Not at all. Most ideas about creativity being an elusive muse just aren't accurate.
Demystifying the Muse: Five Creativity Myths You Should Stop Believing
Nick Cave + The Road = Most Depressingly Beautiful Movie Score Ever
Nick Cave + The Road = Most Depressingly Beautiful Movie Score Ever
The man with saddest songs in the world is penning the score for the world's most depressing post-apocalypse flick: The Road. I can't imagine a musical mind more equipped to deal with the vast emptiness and hollow feeling that one gets from reading Cormac McCarthy's novel on which the movie is based. In an interview with the LA Times, Cave gave an update on the production of The Road.When asked about his editing process while writing music Cave said:
Nick Cave + The Road = Most Depressingly Beautiful Movie Score Ever
Why You Need Boredom, Distraction, and Procrastination in Your Life
Why You Need Boredom, Distraction, and Procrastination in Your Life
Most of us—no matter how many time-saving techniques we employ—don’t have enough time to waste. But productivity comes at a cost: having that down time is extremely beneficial. We fight against boredom, distraction, and procrastination all the time, but that doesn’t mean you should get rid of them completely.
Why You Need Boredom, Distraction, and Procrastination in Your Life
Why Great Ideas Always Come In the Shower (and How to Harness Them)
Why Great Ideas Always Come In the Shower (and How to Harness Them)
It's happened to all of us—you're in the shower and inspiration strikes. You struggle to remember when you get out. Sometimes you're successful, other times, maybe not—but why is the shower such a prime place for inspiration? Let's take a look, and see how you can harness that brilliance other times, too.
Why Great Ideas Always Come In the Shower (and How to Harness Them)
“Mind the Trap”: Mindfulness Practice Reduces Cognitive Rigidity
“Mind the Trap”: Mindfulness Practice Reduces Cognitive Rigidity
Two experiments examined the relation between mindfulness practice and cognitive rigidity by using a variation of the Einstellung water jar task. Participants were required to use three hypothetical jars to obtain a specific amount of water. Initial problems were solvable by the same complex formula, but in later problems (“critical” or “trap” problems) solving was possible by an additional much simpler formula. A rigidity score was compiled through perseverance of the complex formula. In Experiment 1, experienced mindfulness meditators received significantly lower rigidity scores than non-...
“Mind the Trap”: Mindfulness Practice Reduces Cognitive Rigidity
The Innovators: How a Group of Hackers, Geniuses, and Geeks Created the Digital Revolution: Walter Isaacson: 4708364245988: Books
The Innovators: How a Group of Hackers, Geniuses, and Geeks Created the Digital Revolution: Walter Isaacson: 4708364245988: Books
The Innovators: How a Group of Hackers, Geniuses, and Geeks Created the Digital Revolution [Walter Isaacson] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Following his blockbuster biography of Steve Jobs, The Innovators is Walter Isaacson’s revealing story of the people who created the computer and the Internet. It is destined to be the standard history of the digital revolution and an indispensable guide to how innovation really happens.What were the talents that allowed certain inventors and entrepreneurs to turn their visionary ideas into disruptive realities? What led to their c...
The Innovators: How a Group of Hackers, Geniuses, and Geeks Created the Digital Revolution: Walter Isaacson: 4708364245988: Books