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Creative thinking - how to get out of the box and generate ideas: Giovanni Corazza at TEDxRoma
Creative thinking - how to get out of the box and generate ideas: Giovanni Corazza at TEDxRoma
This video is filmed and edited by Università Telematica Internazionale UNINETTUNO Corazza is a full-time professor at the Alma Mater Studiorum at the University of Bologna, a member of the Executive Council, and the founder of the Marconi Institute of Creativity. He teaches science and the applications of creative thinking. Why/Which/How/Where/What/When/Experiment. A quick jump out of the box is more insight ful than a lifetime of standard thinking. In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people toge...
Creative thinking - how to get out of the box and generate ideas: Giovanni Corazza at TEDxRoma
How To Foster A Culture Of Creativity In The Modern Era - Brand Quarterly
How To Foster A Culture Of Creativity In The Modern Era - Brand Quarterly
Before the dot-com boom, most business executives associated the word “creativity” with high-gloss ad campaigns and nothing more. The world’s most creative companies were the ones that paid agencies to make consumers laugh, cry, and buy. Today, with technology on the rise and TV commercials on the decline, the word “creativity” has evolved into a completely ...
How To Foster A Culture Of Creativity In The Modern Era - Brand Quarterly
Sonic DNA: How Technology Fuels Creativity
Sonic DNA: How Technology Fuels Creativity
SXSW 2018 Schedule | Creating targeted emotions in the consumers’ brain is essential to the long term success of a brand. This session covers the development and application of a machine learning algorithm that predicts and detects emotional identifications in music. Ric Scheuss (CCO at TRO Music Berlin) and Prof. Dr. Michael Oehler (University Osnabrueck) share insights on how the algorithm understands different demographics and markets and how brand values can be translated accurately into music and sound. [...
Sonic DNA: How Technology Fuels Creativity
De onde vem as boas ideias
De onde vem as boas ideias
Um interessante talk ilustrado de Steven Johnson, citado como um dos mais influentes pensadores do ciberespaço pelos periódicos Newsweek, New York Magazine e Websight. É editor-chefe e co-fundador da Feed, premiada revista cultural on-line. Johnson graduou-se em semiótica pela Brown University e em literatura inglesa pela Columbia University. Autor dos livros: Cultura da Interface, De cabeça aberta, Emergência, dentro outros.
De onde vem as boas ideias
Steven Johnson: Where good ideas come from
Steven Johnson: Where good ideas come from
As pessoas geralmente creditam suas idéias a momentos de inspiração individual. Mas Steven Johnson mostra como a história conta uma versão diferente. Sua fascinante excursão nos leva das "redes líquidas" dos cafés de Londres ao longo e vagaroso palpite de Charles Darwin para as atuais e velocíssimas conexões de comunicação.
Steven Johnson: Where good ideas come from