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Dicas de organização dos estudos para todas as fases da vida
Dicas de organização dos estudos para todas as fases da vida
O blog Vida Organizada existe há bastante tempo e, na última década, já publiquei diversos posts sobre organização de estudos. Ultimamente, também gravei alguns vídeos com dicas atualizadas e úteis. Neste post, vou fazer um compilado de todos esses conteúdos para poder te ajudar a organizar os estudos, não importa em que fase da vida [...]
Dicas de organização dos estudos para todas as fases da vida
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Join the Discord Student Hubs Discord Server!
Check out the Discord Student Hubs community on Discord - hang out with 1 other members and enjoy free voice and text chat.
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Discord Blog
Discord Blog
Discord is the easiest way to talk over voice, video, and text. Talk, hang out, and create a place to belong with your friends and communities.
Discord Blog
The Eight-Year-Old: A View From Waldorf Education
The Eight-Year-Old: A View From Waldorf Education
(In Waldorf homeschooling, a child should be eight for most of second grade, so hence the references below to a second grader is also reference to an eight-year-old – Carrie) Donna Simmons writes i…
The Eight-Year-Old: A View From Waldorf Education
How To Talk To Your Seven and Eight-Year Old
How To Talk To Your Seven and Eight-Year Old
My friend and I were talking about this today:   how exactly do you talk to a seven or eight year old about things?  In Waldorf, we say to speak to the young child under age seven as if painting pi…
How To Talk To Your Seven and Eight-Year Old
Adolescent-parent attachment: Bonds that support healthy development
Adolescent-parent attachment: Bonds that support healthy development
Authors: Marlene M Moretti, PhD and Maya Peled, MA Date published: Unknown Contact details: Currently, you can contact Denise at Twitter or on her Facebook Page. Abstract Adolescence is characterized by significant neurological, cognitive and sociopsychological development. With the advance of adolescence, the amount of time spent with parents typically drops while time spent with Read more
Adolescent-parent attachment: Bonds that support healthy development
Age Thirteen
Age Thirteen
Posts about Age Thirteen written by Carrie
Age Thirteen
Steiner’s Understanding of Puberty as a “Grand Metamorphosis”
Steiner’s Understanding of Puberty as a “Grand Metamorphosis”
In this article, the author identifies key aspects of adolescent pedagogy in Rudolf Steiner’s anthroposophy and considers them in terms of their educational potential. The second part, published here, focuses on the significance of puberty for the process of individuation. The article first appeared in “Youth education in the Waldorf School”, a study produced in 2017 by the Forschungsstelle of the Bund der Freien Waldorfschulen in Germany, edited by Angelika Wiehl and Michael Zech. It is presented here by Waldorf Resources in an abridged version. This is an introductory piece that can help those who are new to Waldorf education discover how the foundations of Waldorf Education relate to contemporary challenges. It does not attempt to make a definitive statement concerning anthroposophical adolescent education.
Steiner’s Understanding of Puberty as a “Grand Metamorphosis”
Waldorf Journal Project 2: The Adolescent Years - Waldorf Library
Waldorf Journal Project 2: The Adolescent Years - Waldorf Library
The pronounced delinquent of the headlines covers incipient ills that are far more widespread than is generally admitted.There is much corruption everywhere. Moral appeals may bolster up “the good” but they have little effect on “the wicked.” Where is...
Waldorf Journal Project 2: The Adolescent Years - Waldorf Library
Four Phases of Teenage Development Reflected in the Waldorf High School Curriculum
Four Phases of Teenage Development Reflected in the Waldorf High School Curriculum
In broad strokes, each of the four years in the Waldorf high school curriculum embodies an underlying theme and method that helps guide students not just through their studies of outer phenomena but through their inner growth as well. Obviously, these themes and methods are adapted to each specific group of students and take account of the fact that teenagers grow at their own pace. Hence, the “broad strokes.” And yet, one can identify struggles common to most any teenager even though adolescents pass through developmental landscape at varying speeds, they nonetheless have to cover similar terrain.     READ MORE
Four Phases of Teenage Development Reflected in the Waldorf High School Curriculum
The Nine Year Change :: Discovering Waldorf Education
The Nine Year Change :: Discovering Waldorf Education
As my littlest approaches nine, wonderful and great changes are starting to show. He is moving out of dreamy early childhood and into a more conscious state, where he is starting to recognize that he is different from the people and things around him. He is becoming aware of himself as an individual, separate from […]
The Nine Year Change :: Discovering Waldorf Education
Featured Waldorf Articles Discovering Waldorf Articles Cultivating a Connected Family Webinar Cultivating Family Connection
Educating the Head, the Heart and the Hands : Discovering Waldorf Education
Educating the Head, the Heart and the Hands : Discovering Waldorf Education
A series that explores the ideas and philosophies behind Waldorf Education…     For more information on Waldorf Education, please visit the Discovering Waldorf Series from the Waldorf tab in the Navigation bar. Blessings and magic, Donni Are you interested in a Waldorf-inspired lifestyle? Sign up to receive helpful new Discovering Waldorf articles. Email Address […]
Educating the Head, the Heart and the Hands : Discovering Waldorf Education
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Welcome to a World of Discovery and Connection HubPages is an open community of passionate people—writers, explorers, knowledge-seekers, interacting and
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100 anos de Paulo Freire: veja 6 ensinamentos do educador que ainda são atuais
100 anos de Paulo Freire: veja 6 ensinamentos do educador que ainda são atuais
Conhecido desde 2012 como "Patrono da Educação Brasileira", Freire atuou principalmente na educação de adultos em áreas proletárias de Pernambuco. Veja aspectos de seu legado que ainda podem ser aplicados nas escolas e universidades, segundo estudiosos.
100 anos de Paulo Freire: veja 6 ensinamentos do educador que ainda são atuais
Brilliant | Learn to think
Brilliant | Learn to think
Brilliant - Build quantitative skills in math, science, and computer science with fun and challenging interactive explorations.
Brilliant | Learn to think
3 estratégias de aprendizagem corporativa na cultura 4.0
3 estratégias de aprendizagem corporativa na cultura 4.0
Gestores de RH estão sempre em busca de novidades e inovação para a aprendizagem corporativa. Veja aqui 3 estratégias que precisa conhecer!
3 estratégias de aprendizagem corporativa na cultura 4.0
Ragnarok - A batalha entre as formas de aprendizagem Interativa e os antigos EADs
Ragnarok - A batalha entre as formas de aprendizagem Interativa e os antigos EADs
Em meio a toda esta incrível transformação, expansão e conquista esquecemos um monstro enorme no calabouço, mantendo ele à base de uma dieta de funcionários frustrados e consumindo uma enorme quantidade de recursos. As grandes plataformas de aprendizagem (chamamos de BALROGS, ou Big Analogic Low Rate Optmized Grotesc Systems)! Alguns Balrogs estão sendo disfarçados de elementos de games como pontos e medalhas, trilhas e avatares. Efeito que os grupos de gamificação mundial são rotuladas de ‘chocolatização da aprendizagem’.
Ragnarok - A batalha entre as formas de aprendizagem Interativa e os antigos EADs
Aprendizagem baseada em projetos. O que é isso?
Aprendizagem baseada em projetos. O que é isso?
A Aprendizagem baseada em projetos valoriza a capacidade dos colaboradores e reforça o conceito de colaboração entre os profissionais.
Aprendizagem baseada em projetos. O que é isso?