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Quel nodo allo stomaco, il buco nero dell'ansia
Quel nodo allo stomaco, il buco nero dell'ansia
A volte la vita si blocca lì, nell’epicentro del nostro corpo. Come un nodo che toglie l’aria, la fame e la voglia di vivere, proprio vicino allo stomaco.
Quel nodo allo stomaco, il buco nero dell'ansia
Lettera a chi mi ha ferito
Lettera a chi mi ha ferito
Una lettera per dare sfogo al proprio dolore e liberarsi di un peso che non lascia vivere
Lettera a chi mi ha ferito
Il disordine nasconde la paura
Il disordine nasconde la paura
Il disordine nasconde un gran numero di paure. Se le cose non sono in ordine, non sempre è per mancanza di tempo o per negligenza.
Il disordine nasconde la paura
5 emozioni che fanno ammalare
5 emozioni che fanno ammalare
Le cause più comuni della malattie sono le emozioni negative come la colpa, il risentimento, il bisogno di attenzione e la paura.
5 emozioni che fanno ammalare
La teoria dello specchio: ferite e relazioni
La teoria dello specchio: ferite e relazioni
I vincoli che manteniamo con gli altri, secondo la teoria dello specchio, possono apportarci informazioni molto utili su di noi.
La teoria dello specchio: ferite e relazioni
Il rifiuto è la ferita emotiva più profonda
Il rifiuto è la ferita emotiva più profonda
Una delle ferite emotive più profonde è quella del rifiuto. Chi ne soffre, infatti, si sente respinto in profondità dentro di sé, anche quando non lo è.
Il rifiuto è la ferita emotiva più profonda
I gesti affettuosi possono cambiare tutto
I gesti affettuosi possono cambiare tutto
I gesti affettuosi possono cambiare tutto. Non rimandate a domani i baci, gli abbracci e le carezze che potete dare oggi.
I gesti affettuosi possono cambiare tutto
Distanza emotiva, quando i rapporti si raffreddano
Distanza emotiva, quando i rapporti si raffreddano
La distanza emotiva fa sempre male, ancor più se una delle due parti continua a credere in quel rapporto. Vi sono diverse strategie per affrontarla.
Distanza emotiva, quando i rapporti si raffreddano
Quando siamo tristi, facciamoci queste domande
Quando siamo tristi, facciamoci queste domande
Quando siamo tristi vale la pena farci qualche domanda utile a comprendere il motivo del nostro stato d’animo così da intervenire.
Quando siamo tristi, facciamoci queste domande
Cambia il tuo umore per superare le difficoltà | Terenzio Traisci | TEDxBergamo
Cambia il tuo umore per superare le difficoltà | Terenzio Traisci | TEDxBergamo
Nel suo primo talk TEDX Terenzio condensa divertimento e serietà in consigli per garantirsi il buon umore in ogni occasione. D'ora in poi con "l'Ingegneria del Buon umore" sarà impossibile non sorridere. Nato a Forlì si definisce Psicologo formAttore comico, esperto di gestione dello stress. Specializzato in Edutainment, cioè formazione unita a intrattenimento, svolge nelle aziende e nei teatri, lezioni spettacolo su gestione dello stress, dei conflitti e della motiva-zione, ma anche corsi di formazione e team building per favorire la collaborazione e la coesione di gruppi di lavoro, renden...
Cambia il tuo umore per superare le difficoltà | Terenzio Traisci | TEDxBergamo
O poder do não e o dinheiro | Nathalia Arcuri | TEDxDanteAlighieriSchool
O poder do não e o dinheiro | Nathalia Arcuri | TEDxDanteAlighieriSchool
Nessa TEDx Talk a Nath Arcuri fala sobre os segredos por trás das mentes endividadas e também dá algumas dicas práticas pra que qualquer pessoa consiga ter uma vida financeira equilibrada. Empresária, jornalista, educadora e coach financeira, especialista em finanças pessoais, psicologia econômica e tradutora de economês. Nathália Arcuri tinha apenas 8 anos de idade quando se propôs o primeiro grande desafio financeiro: Comprar um carro aos 18 anos. Foco, disciplina e empreendedorismo são palavras e qualidades que desde muito cedo passaram a fazer parte de seu cotidiano. Dez anos após a pri...
O poder do não e o dinheiro | Nathalia Arcuri | TEDxDanteAlighieriSchool
Cultivating Unconditional Self-Worth | Adia Gooden | TEDxDePaulUniversity
Cultivating Unconditional Self-Worth | Adia Gooden | TEDxDePaulUniversity
When a person demands perfection of herself or himself, anything less can feel like failure. Adia Gooden knows this from experience. In addition to her work as a staff psychologist at the University of Chicago, she’s learned in her own life how to break negative thought patterns and live more freely. She shares those lessons in her talk: “Cultivating Unconditional Self-Worth.” Gooden is a licensed clinical psychologist. She earned her bachelor’s degree in psychology from Stanford University and her doctorate in clinical community psychology from DePaul College of Science and Health in 2013....
Cultivating Unconditional Self-Worth | Adia Gooden | TEDxDePaulUniversity
How to speak up when you feel like you can’t | Adam Galinsky | TEDxNewYork
How to speak up when you feel like you can’t | Adam Galinsky | TEDxNewYork
We all experience moments when it's hard to speak up - whether it's at work, in our relationships, or out in a public with a stranger. Business psychologist Adam Galinsky shows research and shares helpful tips on how to find your voice when it matters most, and to advocate for others who need it. Adam Galinsky is the chair of the management department at Columbia Business School. He thinks deeply about how we work with and against one another to achieve our goals. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more...
How to speak up when you feel like you can’t | Adam Galinsky | TEDxNewYork
How to control emotion and influence behavior | Dawn Goldworm | TEDxEast
How to control emotion and influence behavior | Dawn Goldworm | TEDxEast
The world of scent and its influence is more powerful than you may be aware. Dawn Goldworm is an internationally recognized olfactive expert and the Nose behind successful fragrances for American Express, Lady Gaga, Design Miami/ Art Basel, Mercedes Benz, Valentino and many more… The inspiration of 12.29, Dawn’s vision of enriching brand experiences through scent, began with her Masters at NYU. Dawn’s expertise in perfumery is the result of years of training and research along with her work at Avon’s global NY headquarters and Coty Beauty in NY and Paris with a focus on North America, Europ...
How to control emotion and influence behavior | Dawn Goldworm | TEDxEast
O empoderamento começa no autoconhecimento | Júlia Horta | TEDxCentroUniversitárioNewtonPaiva
O empoderamento começa no autoconhecimento | Júlia Horta | TEDxCentroUniversitárioNewtonPaiva
Falar sobre feminismo é necessário, para todos. Nesse talk a Miss Brasil 2019 conta como se tornou empoderada com uma simples ação, o autoconhecimento. Nesse momento você conhece não só uma Miss Brasil, mas uma mulher que vai muito além, que faz o mundo cada dia um lugar melhor, que gera respeito e transmite uma luz gigante. Júlia é fora da curva, uma mulher que tem resinificado cada vez mais o mundo Miss. Julia Horta é jornalista, e tem 25 anos, decidiu se aventurar no universo de concursos de beleza depois de participar de cinco concursos de beleza, dois deles internacionais, e ficar no t...
O empoderamento começa no autoconhecimento | Júlia Horta | TEDxCentroUniversitárioNewtonPaiva
How the power of attention changes everything: Jeff Klein at TEDxGrandRapids
How the power of attention changes everything: Jeff Klein at TEDxGrandRapids
As CEO of Working For Good, Jeff Klein leads marketing and business development campaigns working with the principles of Conscious Capitalism. He also serves as executive director of The Baumann Foundation and director of marketing & business development for Conscious Capitalism, Inc. In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded...
How the power of attention changes everything: Jeff Klein at TEDxGrandRapids
The surprising secret to speaking with confidence | Caroline Goyder | TEDxBrixton
The surprising secret to speaking with confidence | Caroline Goyder | TEDxBrixton
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. In this fun and personal talk, Caroline shares a story of moving from stage-paralysis to expressive self. Accompanied by an unusual prop, she encourages us to use our voice as an instrument and really find the confidence within. Caroline Goyder is an author and voice coach, with a lifelong curiosity in the question of how we find the courage to think for ourselves: aloud. Caroline trained as an actor, and then as a voice coach at Central School of Speech and Drama (CSSD), where she worked for ten years...
The surprising secret to speaking with confidence | Caroline Goyder | TEDxBrixton
Own Your Behaviours, Master Your Communication, Determine Your Success | Louise Evans | TEDxGenova
Own Your Behaviours, Master Your Communication, Determine Your Success | Louise Evans | TEDxGenova
This speech is a call to action. We spend about eighty percent of our day at work, the rest is at home. If we have a bad day at work we are likely to take that negativity home with us and vice versa. It is of paramount importance that we create healthy environments in the spaces that most affect our lives by giving of our best and receiving the like in return. The 5 Chairs is a powerful and systematic method which helps us master our own behaviours and manage the behaviours of others. To be a good leader is to contribute to the success and happiness of everyone, at work and at home, on a co...
Own Your Behaviours, Master Your Communication, Determine Your Success | Louise Evans | TEDxGenova
The 100 Percent Rule That Will Change Your Life | Benjamin Hardy | TEDxKlagenfurt
The 100 Percent Rule That Will Change Your Life | Benjamin Hardy | TEDxKlagenfurt
Why most people struggle when it comes to losing weight or getting rid of bad habits? Is there a chance to get unstuck from unnecessary fallbacks and permanently change our bad habits? In this TEDxTalk, Benjamin shares the secret on how making a radical change is not only possible but required to live a life of integrity, meaning, and purpose. Benjamin Hardy has been the #1 most-read writer on since late 2015. His work has been read by over 50 million people and has been featured on Forbes, Fortune, Psychology Today, and many others. He has grown his email list from 0 to nearly 4...
The 100 Percent Rule That Will Change Your Life | Benjamin Hardy | TEDxKlagenfurt
How to practice emotional hygiene | Guy Winch | TEDxLinnaeusUniversity
How to practice emotional hygiene | Guy Winch | TEDxLinnaeusUniversity
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. We have medicine cabinets for common physical injuries like cuts and colds but no toolkits for common psychological injuries such as failure, rejection, guilt, and loss. In his inspirational talk, Guy Winch tells us that “you can’t treat a psychological wound if you don’t know you’re injured”. Guy teaches us a lesson on why it is so important to practice emotional hygiene. Guy Winch Ph.D. is a psychologist, speaker, and author whose books have been translated into 15 languages. His most recent book, Em...
How to practice emotional hygiene | Guy Winch | TEDxLinnaeusUniversity
The Power of Zero Tolerance | Isabelle Mercier | TEDxStanleyPark
The Power of Zero Tolerance | Isabelle Mercier | TEDxStanleyPark
95% of North Americans either go to bed or wake up worrying about something. Yet, worrying is the #1 killer of creativity, performance and dreams. When revolutionary brand strategist Isabelle Mercier-Turcotte discovered “What we tolerate we worry about,” she realized a little structure brings a lot of inner flexibility and freedom. The result is her simple yet powerful model to help you instantly decrease worry and increase peace of mind. Isabelle Mercier - - is a ‘no-nonsense’ dynamo born to catapult passionate entrepreneurs to build infectious and impactful...
The Power of Zero Tolerance | Isabelle Mercier | TEDxStanleyPark
Rethinking anxiety: Learning to face fear | Dawn Huebner | TEDxAmoskeagMillyardWomen
Rethinking anxiety: Learning to face fear | Dawn Huebner | TEDxAmoskeagMillyardWomen
We are hard-wired to shrink away from the things that scare us – to fight, flee or freeze in the face of danger. That’s a good thing, but anxiety is about perceived danger, which is different from actual danger. When we act based solely on nervous feelings, our worlds can become very small. Our desperate attempt to avoid discomfort and uncertainty fuels anxiety, and avoidance locks it in place. Yet we can take back control. We can learn to face our fears rather than running from them. Dr. Dawn Huebner believes we can all be taught to overcome fear and anxiety. In this engaging talk she expl...
Rethinking anxiety: Learning to face fear | Dawn Huebner | TEDxAmoskeagMillyardWomen
The Power of Self-Belief | Layne Beachley | TEDxStHildasSchool
The Power of Self-Belief | Layne Beachley | TEDxStHildasSchool
What would your world look like if you had the ability to shape and create what that world would look like. Winning my 7th World title taught me a lot about myself, getting out of my own way and believing in myself. Layne Beachley is widely regarded as the most successful female surfer in history. The only surfer, male or female, to claim six consecutive world titles (1998-2003), Layne then went onto win a 7th world title in 2006 before retiring from the ASP World Tour in 2008. Not only is Layne a world champion surfer she is an inspirational speaker and a champion for the education of girl...
The Power of Self-Belief | Layne Beachley | TEDxStHildasSchool
How to Get Your Brain to Focus | Chris Bailey | TEDxManchester
How to Get Your Brain to Focus | Chris Bailey | TEDxManchester
The latest research is clear: the state of our attention determines the state of our lives. So how do we harness our attention to focus deeper, get distracted less, and even become more creative? Chris Bailey, author of the recent book Hyperfocus, talks about how our ability to focus is the key to productivity, creativity, and living a meaningful life. Follow Chris on @chris_bailey Chris Bailey was recently described by TED as possibly “the most productive man you’d ever hope to meet”. He is the international bestselling author of Hyperfocus and The Productivity Project, which have been pub...
How to Get Your Brain to Focus | Chris Bailey | TEDxManchester