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Life Advancer ~ Your guide to life improvement
Life Advancer ~ Your guide to life improvement
Life Advancer is a source for those who want to improve the overall quality of their life. Become happier & healthier and achieve success. We share news, stories, ideas, and tips about health & wellness, science & technology, environment, relationships, success and other related topics.
Life Advancer ~ Your guide to life improvement
Como aprender a dizer "não"? - Flávio Gikovate
Como aprender a dizer "não"? - Flávio Gikovate
Por que se perpetuam em nós comportamentos dos quais desejamos efetivamente nos livrar? Esse é um dos maiores dilemas práticos da Psicologia. É incrível como...
Como aprender a dizer "não"? - Flávio Gikovate
6 Steps to Help Heal Your Inner Child
6 Steps to Help Heal Your Inner Child
According to John Bradshaw, author of Home Coming: Reclaiming and Championing Your Inner Child, the process of healing your wounded inner child is one of grief, and it involves these six steps (paraphrased from Bradshaw): 1. Trust For your wounded inner child to come out of hiding, he must be able to trust that you will be there for him. Your inner child also needs a supportive, non-shaming ally to validate his abandonment, neglect, abuse, and enmeshment. Those are the first essential elements in original pain work. 2. Validation If you're still inclined to minimize and/or rationalize the w...
6 Steps to Help Heal Your Inner Child
Why We Need to Stop Hiding and Share the Beauty in Our Brokenness - Tiny Buddha
Why We Need to Stop Hiding and Share the Beauty in Our Brokenness - Tiny Buddha
“Out of perfection nothing can be made. Every process involves breaking something up. The earth must be broken to bring forth life. If the seed does not die there is no plant. Bread results from the death of wheat. Life lives on lives. Our own life lives on the act of other people. If you are lifeworthy, you can take it.” ~Joseph Campbell Head on my pillow, tears in my eyes, a list of to-dos in my brain, I felt unable to move my body. I’d worked so hard to leave behind this person who stayed in bed avoiding life.Read more ›
Why We Need to Stop Hiding and Share the Beauty in Our Brokenness - Tiny Buddha
7 Things Your Inner Child Needs to Hear You Say
7 Things Your Inner Child Needs to Hear You Say
You may also benefit from healing the inner child who once felt insecure and not good enough. Saying these things to yourself is a good start.
7 Things Your Inner Child Needs to Hear You Say
How To Heal And Re-parent Your Inner Child
How To Heal And Re-parent Your Inner Child
Your Inner Child is the echo of the child you once were. We each have our own history and we have all been influenced by our environment, events and the significant people around us. Our inner child has stored those memories, and their impact upon us.
How To Heal And Re-parent Your Inner Child
Cura da Criança Interior
Cura da Criança Interior
Percebam a importância de se curar todas as feridas, todos os traumas que a sua criança possa ter sofrido nesta e noutras existências. ...
Cura da Criança Interior
[23ª Lição] Cure sua criança interior - Marcia Luz -
[23ª Lição] Cure sua criança interior - Marcia Luz -
Problemas emocionais do passado ainda afetam a sua vida? Saiba como curar a sua criança interior através de mais uma lição do Mestre Yoda.
[23ª Lição] Cure sua criança interior - Marcia Luz -
5 Ways to Strengthen Your Feminine Energy - Forever Conscious
5 Ways to Strengthen Your Feminine Energy - Forever Conscious
Image Art by Rassouli She was beautiful, but it wasn’t her beauty that got me, it was her energy. She was standing there tall and strong and she just radiated goddess energy. She felt powerful, and her very presence demanded respect. This was a woman I happened to see just passing by. She was graceful […]
5 Ways to Strengthen Your Feminine Energy - Forever Conscious
Fábia Lombardi - Criança Interior
Fábia Lombardi - Criança Interior
Workshops "com" Arteterapia Junguiana. Resgatando e brincando com a criança interior, (re)conhecendo emoções e (re)educando sentimentos e se conhecendo melhor
Fábia Lombardi - Criança Interior
Bambini, crescere con l’ecologia
Bambini, crescere con l’ecologia
Curare i nostri bambini facendo attenzione all'ecologia e all'ambiente. Fa bene a loro e fa bene alla natura.
Bambini, crescere con l’ecologia
A Criança Interior e a Busca pelo Amor
A Criança Interior e a Busca pelo Amor
Por que os relacionamentos podem nos trazer tanta alegria e nos machucar tanto ao mesmo tempo? Convidada a responder essa questão, comecei a botar o sentimento para funcionar junto com a razão, eis que aparece a responsável por tudo, a Senhora Transformação. Não existe verdadeira transformação sem contato profundo, e os relacionamentos trazem muito do…
A Criança Interior e a Busca pelo Amor
criança interna, criança interior, criança ferida, acolhendo a criança, workshop criança interna, feridas infantis