Empresas de Inspiração

Empresas de Inspiração

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Zapier Code of Conduct
Zapier Code of Conduct
The Zapier team is made up of professionals from all over the world, working on every aspect of the company.The workplace at Zapier is positive, supportive and inclusive. We also want it to stay ...
Zapier Code of Conduct
The Ultimate Guide to Remote Work
The Ultimate Guide to Remote Work
At Zapier, we've been working remotely since the beginning. This book shares everything we've learned about running a remote team.
The Ultimate Guide to Remote Work
Culture and Values at Zapier
Culture and Values at Zapier
We help people be more efficient at work. We want to help you focus on the work that matters and automate the work that's tedious.Today we serve two million people. We hope to one day serve every...
Culture and Values at Zapier
Our Commitment to Applicants
Our Commitment to Applicants
We know applying for and taking on a new a job at any company requires a leap of faith. We want you to feel comfortable and excited to apply at Zapier. Unfortunately, the hiring process at many c...
Our Commitment to Applicants
Lavora con noi | SELLALAB
Lavora con noi | SELLALAB
Siamo alla ricerca di ingegneri informatici, digital strategist, UX designer, blockchain & cryptocurrencies expert, crowdfunding expert... Lavora con noi!
Lavora con noi | SELLALAB
Shapr - Meet Inspiring People, Shape Your Life
Shapr - Meet Inspiring People, Shape Your Life
Shapr is a networking app that brings you a personalized daily dose of inspiring people to meet. It is the quickest and easiest way to connect with like-minded people nearby on a daily basis, and to give you the opportunity to grow as a professional and as an individual, right at your fingertips! It's pronounced Shaper ;)
Shapr - Meet Inspiring People, Shape Your Life
Ricks burger fb
Ricks burger fb
576x1796 (318.2 kB)
Ricks burger fb
Rick's Burger
Rick's Burger
Vamos aos fatos. Ontem entrevistamos cerca de 5000 mil pessoas para 70 vagas de emprego. E o porquê fizemos isso ao...
Rick's Burger
Paratii project is developing a video player upon p2p streaming and decentralized service providers to put revenue 100% in control of producers.
Compare money transfer services on Monito.com
Compare money transfer services on Monito.com
On Monito, you can find and compare money transfer services and get access to exclusive deals. Compare and save money now.
Compare money transfer services on Monito.com
Sustainable Living
Sustainable Living
We all have a part to play in building a brighter future. What’s yours?#collectiveaction
Sustainable Living
Purpose, values & principles
Purpose, values & principles
Unilever corporate purpose requires the highest standards of corporate behaviour.
Purpose, values & principles
Our Themes
Our Themes
Distilled from positive psychology, ancient philosophy, and our Manifesto, we have identified 12 themes that we think are core to living both fully and mindfull
Our Themes
Tools and inspiration for a more meaningful life.
Tools and inspiration for a more meaningful life.
Holstee helps conscious people (like you!) live a more meaningful life through actionable guides, inspiring art, curated content and a like-minded community. We help you along your journey to live more fully and mindfully.
Tools and inspiration for a more meaningful life.
About Us | MCI at a Glance
About Us | MCI at a Glance
Through strategic planning and membership management, MCI helps companies and associations activate and engage their target audiences.
About Us | MCI at a Glance
Corporate responsibility
Corporate responsibility
PwC Corporate Responsibility. Providing solutions for positive change in society.
Corporate responsibility
Explore the code of conduct
Explore the code of conduct
PricewaterhouseCoopers ("PwC") is one of the world’s pre-eminent professional services organisations. In order to succeed, we must grow and develop, both as individuals and as a business. Our core values of Excellence, Teamwork and Leadership help us to achieve this growth.
Explore the code of conduct
Human rights statement
Human rights statement
We believe it’s our responsibility to respect and uphold the human rights of our people and any other individuals we are in contact with in the world
Human rights statement
Our purpose and values
Our purpose and values
Our purpose and values came from our people. Over 200,000 individuals had a voice in articulating what PwC should stand for, now and into the future.
Our purpose and values