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O Peregrino – John Bunyan
O Peregrino – John Bunyan
O Peregrino – A Viagem do Cristão da Cidade da Destruição para a Jerusalém Celestial é um livro escrito por John Bunyan e...
O Peregrino – John Bunyan
Kardec – Marcel Souto Maior
Kardec – Marcel Souto Maior
Nessa biografia, Marcel Souto Maior investiga a vida do codificador da doutrina espírita, Allan Kardec. O que transformou o cético em...
Kardec – Marcel Souto Maior
Em Nome de Deus – Karen Armstrong
Em Nome de Deus – Karen Armstrong
Em Em nome de Deus , Karen Armstrong, analisa os movimentos fundamentalistas que se desenvolveram nas três religiões monoteístas –...
Em Nome de Deus – Karen Armstrong
Budismo para Leigos – Jonathan Landaw
Budismo para Leigos – Jonathan Landaw
Qual é a importância de Buda? Como a prática do Budismo pode enriquecer sua vida cotidiana? Este guia explica os tópicos e tradições...
Budismo para Leigos – Jonathan Landaw
Everything You Need to Know About Soul Age
Everything You Need to Know About Soul Age
The 7 Levels of Soul Age & What It Means For The Journey of Souls... Soul age is a concept used to describe the experiences of soul growth and the development of a soul across lifetimes. Unlike physical age… Soul age is not determined based on time, or how many incarnations your soul has had into the physical. Soul age is a highly personal description and way of tracking growth. It simply refers to how far your soul has progressed on the path of growth and soul development. With increased soul wisdom comes advancement in soul age. This is why the
Everything You Need to Know About Soul Age
Compaixão: como ajudar a si mesmo e aos outros
Compaixão: como ajudar a si mesmo e aos outros
Palestra com Lama Padma Samten em Joinville, Santa Catarina, em 24 de novembro de 2014. Para saber mais sobre o CEBB Joinville:
Compaixão: como ajudar a si mesmo e aos outros
Mindfulness can be described as a psychological concept which is well established within the scientific literature and commonly discussed in association with meditation. It is often broken down into two separate components both of which comprise the experience of mindfulness itself.
Meditation is a practice in which an individual trains the mind or induces a mode of consciousness, either to realize some benefit, allow the mind to simply acknowledge its content without becoming identified with that content,[1] or as an end in itself.[2]
Meditation is a practice in which an individual trains the mind or induces a mode of consciousness, either to realize some benefit, allow the mind to simply acknowledge its content without becoming identified with that content,[1] or as an end in itself.[2]
Unity and interconnectedness
Unity and interconnectedness
Unity and interconnectedness can be described as an alteration in the cognitive rules which define both what one's sense of self or identity is attributed to and what it is felt as separate from. For example, most people feel that the self is inherently separate from their external environment and could not possibly extend into it. On top of this, many people feel that the self is specifically limited to not even the physical body as a whole, but exclusively one's internal narrative or thought stream and the image of their own personality as built up through social interactions with other p...
Unity and interconnectedness
Spirituality enhancement
Spirituality enhancement
Spirituality enhancement can be described as the experience of a gradual or sudden shift of personal beliefs and interests into something which holds notions of certain key concepts with higher regard than that which it did previously. These concepts and notions are not limited to but generally include:
Spirituality enhancement
Serão os Religiosos Narcisistas?
Serão os Religiosos Narcisistas?
O ego religioso (ou melhor, judaico-cristão) é inerentemente narcisista. (Na minha cabeça, quase posso ouvir um advogado de filme americano pulando da cadeira: "Objection, your honor! Asked and a...
Serão os Religiosos Narcisistas?
ZEN BUDDHISM | Two schools of Zen | Soto Zen
ZEN BUDDHISM | Two schools of Zen | Soto Zen
In the Soto branch of Zen, Zen meditation or zazen, is the core of the practice, as it was the vehicle of Buddha's Enlightenment.
ZEN BUDDHISM | Two schools of Zen | Soto Zen