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Church attendance, allostatic load and mortality in middle aged adults
Church attendance, allostatic load and mortality in middle aged adults
Importance Religiosity has been associated with positive health outcomes. Hypothesized pathways for this association include religious practices, such as church attendance, that result in reduced stress. Objective The objective of this study was to examine the relationship between religiosity (church attendance), allostatic load (AL) (a physiologic measure of stress) and all-cause mortality in middle-aged adults. Design, setting and participants Data for this study are from NHANES III (1988–1994). The analytic sample (n = 5449) was restricted to adult participants, who were between 40–6...
Church attendance, allostatic load and mortality in middle aged adults
Dalai Lama on Twitter
Dalai Lama on Twitter
The most crucial use of knowledge and education is to understand the importance of developing a good heart.— Dalai Lama (@DalaiLama) November 3, 2017
Dalai Lama on Twitter
Lama Padma Samten on Twitter
Lama Padma Samten on Twitter
"Precisamos entender que as realidades são construídas e que nós nos ligamos a elas. Mas nós não somos as...— Lama Padma Samten (@lamapadmasamten) November 3, 2017
Lama Padma Samten on Twitter
Editorial Kairós: Zhuang Zi
Editorial Kairós: Zhuang Zi
Zhuang Zi, perhaps the greatest Taoist writer of all times, flourished around the 4th Century b C. The book which bears his name is composed of 33 chapters, the
Editorial Kairós: Zhuang Zi
TAO, EL ALIMENTO DEL ALMA | SUN JUNQING | Comprar libro 9788497779838
TAO, EL ALIMENTO DEL ALMA | SUN JUNQING | Comprar libro 9788497779838
TAO, EL ALIMENTO DEL ALMA del autor SUN JUNQING (ISBN 9788497779838). Comprar libro completo al MEJOR PRECIO nuevo o segunda mano, leer online la sinopsis o resumen, opiniones, críticas y comentarios.
TAO, EL ALIMENTO DEL ALMA | SUN JUNQING | Comprar libro 9788497779838
A Revista Bodisatva é uma plataforma de comunicação voltada para divulgação de conteúdo de transformação de mundo inspirada na visão budista de Terra Pura.
Why I swapped investment banking for Buddhism in Bhutan
Why I swapped investment banking for Buddhism in Bhutan
‘In Bhutan, humans are not dominant, but a small part of the whole’ says Emma Slade on the Himalayan kingdom she regards as her spiritual paradise
Why I swapped investment banking for Buddhism in Bhutan
Start Here
Start Here
Insights, inspiration, and wisdom on mindfulness, meditation, and Zen to help you live with greater peace and joy in your everyday life.
Start Here
12 Pieces of Buddhist Wisdom That Will Transform Your Life
12 Pieces of Buddhist Wisdom That Will Transform Your Life
Get the FREE 12 Pieces of Buddhist Wisdom PDF Workbook Guide Take 12 Pieces of Buddhist Wisdom on the go and get the workbook guide to begin putting into practice the 12 points in this post: ________________________________________ When I was little, my grandma had this little green Buddh
12 Pieces of Buddhist Wisdom That Will Transform Your Life
12 joias da sabedoria budista que transformarão sua vida
12 joias da sabedoria budista que transformarão sua vida
Seja você budista ou só alguém que quer encontrar meios práticos de melhorar sua vida, esta lista apresenta poderosas jóias do budismo das quais você pode se beneficiar.
12 joias da sabedoria budista que transformarão sua vida
Buddhist Studies at Stanford
Buddhist Studies at Stanford
YouTube account for the Ho Center for Buddhist Studies at Stanford (HCBSS). Follow us to learn about upcoming events and programs.
Buddhist Studies at Stanford
Buddhism Through Its Scriptures
Buddhism Through Its Scriptures
Learn about the rich and diverse beliefs and practices of Buddhists across time and place. Experience Buddhism through its scriptures, both relationally as well as academically.
Buddhism Through Its Scriptures
Stanford lança série de palestras sobre budismo
Stanford lança série de palestras sobre budismo
A Universidade de Stanford está promovendo uma série de palestras online e gratuita sobre budismo, a sabedoria budista e suas questões. Saiba mais aqui.
Stanford lança série de palestras sobre budismo
Listas de filmes e séries de TV | Filmow
Listas de filmes e séries de TV | Filmow
Crie suas listas de filmes favoritos e veja as listas mais populares da maior rede social de filmes do Brasil.
Listas de filmes e séries de TV | Filmow